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Comment Re:Chinese Tourists, Of Course (Score 1) 102

They are, by far the worst tourists in the world. Pushy, loud, aggressive, shitting and doing whatever the fuck they feel like because they think they're still back in the PRC. They need to be taught that the rest of the world isn't a shithole like their home country, that we have manners and rules they must follow. Otherwise, they need to get the fuck out.

Uh, Taipei is in the PRC.

Depends on who you ask. To most of the West and Asia it is in the ROC.

Comment Re:Bed Nets (Score 2) 34

From the article:

Prof Adrian Hill of the Jenner Institute, Oxford, said he was pleased and encouraged by the EMA's decision but added that the vaccine was not a "magic bullet".

He said: "A bed net is more effective than this vaccine, but nonetheless it is a very significant scientific achievement.

While research into a vaccine is great, why haven't we focused efforts on supplying bed nets for everyone? I'm assuming that they'll cost less than the vaccine per unit and they also have the advantage of being reused.

Why aren't the locals buying bed nets themselves?

Supposedly $5 gets you an insecticide treated bed net that's good for 2 years, I know we're talking about very poor people but that sounds like somewhere where'd I'd expect a local industry to pop up.

From the sentence that is literally the one irght after the sentence that contains the price of the bed nets: "Unfortunately, this cost is too high for most families in poor rural African communities who survive through subsistence farming."

Comment Re:What's performance enhancing? (Score 4, Insightful) 155

Does caffeine count? What about marijuana? It seems like it would dull your reaction time, but it might make you more calm, so it's hard to say. How about coke or meth? Seems like those would make you too jittery.

IWANCAACA (I Was An NCAA College Athlete-I also just wanted to make up a new acronym). The NCAA considers caffeine a banned substance. If you have a certain amount in your system when tested it is no different than if you had traces of marijuana or steroids in your system. Of course, a couple cans of Coke wouldn't be enough to trigger it. You would have to go to Jessie Spannow levels for it to trigger.

Comment Re:"They say..." (Score 1) 64

"They say increased adoption of these techniques will go a long way toward resolving bugs and device failures."

Translation: Buy more of our shit and we promise to fix it later.

Translation: Buy more of our shit.

Really, no amount of progress was ever made by kicking the problem down the road. We'll kick it as far as possible while we go off and play with another new/shinier ball. Version 2 will have twice the complexity and four times the bugs of version 1. Yada yada. The only promise being made here is your robot will be obsolete next year - be sure to toss it out along with your cellphone.

When people first started flying airplanes they were incredibly unsafe. They lacked even the most basic of safety systems, build quality and materials were very inconsistent, and even the most experienced pilots would frequently crash (a common crash would be upending on landing). Now, millions of people fly every year and it is one of the safest ways to travel, precisely because increased adoption of flying led to better engineering, materials, and safety procedures(essentiallly "resolving bugs and device failures").

Comment Re:Good (Score 4, Insightful) 459

You're rational is the same we followed when arming Afghan jihads against the USSR. That didn't come back to bite us.

The problem with that was, as soon as they ran off the USSR, we wiped our hands and walked away, ensuring that the people with the best access to guns got to rule the country. Had we stayed and helped them rebuild we could probably have swayed most of the country over to our side and enstilled a more democratic government. Instead we got the Taliban.

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