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Comment Re:Using a monopoly to destroy competing technolog (Score 1) 165

unless the consistent goal is "always maximise the use of open source and minimise the use of anything else"?

That's indeed one of the goals of the Wikimedia foundation, it's in their charter. They are a 100% open source shop. After all, it's a "free encyclopedia", and the word "free" has many senses, all of which apply here.

Comment Re:Rather not. (Score 1) 165

There is nothing in the idea or structure of a corporation that makes them innately evil.

Maybe not innately evil, but certainly innately amoral. By law, a corporation may only perform actions that directly or indirectly increase profits. It cannot do things just because they are "right" or "good", it must always maximize profits, using all legally available means. Otherwise the shareholders can sue.

Comment Adobe Reader 9.1.1 not installed by default! (Score 5, Interesting) 136

In their security alert, Adobe urges people to upgrade from Adobe Reader 9.1.0 to 9.1.1. If you install Reader from their main download site, they still give you 9.1.0. The 9.1.1 update is available only if you follow the links at the bottom of the security alert. Insecurity through obscurity!

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 1) 242

Lamarck is one of those guys who's name is generally synonymous with bad science (he's about as villified as Darwin is deified).

Let's not forget that Darwin himself believed in Lamarckism; genetics wasn't known at the time.

That being said, the article is rather short in one important area: a suggested mechanism for this sort of inheritance. Without that, it's bound to be mired in controversy for some time.

The whole phenomenon isn't that new; it's called epigenetics and is transmitted most likely by the methylation pattern of the DNA, histone modification, and RNA interference. It's not stable and doesn't last beyond a few generations though, so it won't give a new mechanism for natural selection.

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