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Comment Re:Trust no one (Score 4, Insightful) 330

Hrmmm... You have a great point... More computers won't make the job easier... Smarter computers will...

Look at Watson... Specifically designed to measure the value of information in both directions and use these values real time as it sorts through massive amounts of data...

Areas where humans were thought to be the only solution, here comes Watson...

Law, medical diagnostics, computer software troubleshooting, etc...

These are all areas where Watson will soon dominate...

We can only hope the Utah data center will NOT have IBM as one of the contractors...

Comment Re: 4 years (Score 1) 682

Perhaps he shouldn't have posted it on the internet if he didn't want people prying or criticizing or trolling or etc...

If it's for security reasons, then ask that...

If he's looking to be a helicopter parent, then he should ask that...

Without a reason, he sounds like every other douche-bag hipster parent that wants their kindergartener to be the coolest kid at story time...

Comment Just another example... (Score 5, Interesting) 455

Of these three-letter-agencies twisting the law to fit their needs. And, without any of the necessary oversight that we were promised.

So, I guess my question is, are things going to get better because we have a more aggressive flashlight for exposing these secret interpretations of our law, or, will this just keep getting worse until something significantly worse happens? Something like, Egypt, Syria, etc...

Revolutions are nothing new... I just wish they weren't so damned violent and terrifying.

Comment Indoctrination and Propoganda (Score 5, Interesting) 356

It's worked for years with every other product...

Get them while they're young and you'll have a "___________" (insert appropriate noun here) for life... Customer, slave, zealot, etc...

The only problem is that government is allowing corporations to push their agenda in the classroom... It wasn't enough to have it at the beginning of every one of their Disney movies --you know, the ones that kids watch ad infinitum, now they're allowed to spread their FUD in the schools, too! Yay!

How long before we see "Lunch! Sponsored by McDonald's", etc...

That's not the only issue at play here...

The backers for this program (RIAA/MPAA) are all wealthy, so their kids will never see these things in school. They'll be free from the propaganda and allowed to be creative and free. But, not the common man, because he can't afford freedom...

Hrmm... I wonder if that's how this is supposed to work... Freedom for those that can afford it...

Makes me wonder if there'll ever be a Star Trek-esque Utopia...

Comment Re:Progress! (Score 1) 356

Dude, how 'bout you get off your horse and tell us what exactly "reads living tissue under the skin" means...

You've responded with this exact phrase so many times now that you MUST be an Apple shill...


Not even once have you linked to any source or explained, even in layman's terms, what exactly this means...

I smell a fanboy...

I don't hate Apple, I hate ignorant loudmouths...

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