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Comment Re:Correct. (Score 1) 86

Notice that you're still "giving" stuff, with conditions. Without the idea of private property, you can't give things because you can't own things. And you can't apply conditions, for the same reason. So no, I wouldn't breach that trust, because there would be no gift and nothing for the trust to apply to. It would not exist to be breached.

Comment Re: No (Score 1) 627

True, but if your company is already run by crappy HR (and good HR would be involving the existing technical team when evaluating new technical hires) then you probably want to get out as soon as possible. Eventually the company will be almost entirely composed of cheap but useless drones, true, but long before then they'll make the place so tech-hostile that anyone half competent will have left.

Comment Re:Please Stop. (Score 0) 627

The runners are programs like Sublime Text, BBedit, Text Wrangler, gedit, Jedit, notepad++, or even vim.

Yep. And consider that most (all?) of these offer a combination of syntax highlighting, auto indentation, potentially auto-complete and context sensitive help (if only through plugins). They provide a lot of the features traditionally associated with an IDE.

People arguing that "IDEs are bad" need to get their argument straight. Are they saying that learning a language requires separately compiling your code on the command-line? Because that's about the only thing that a good programming text editor doesn't do.

Comment Re:Define virtual reality (Score 1) 61

in 1998 I donned a VR headset of the time and walked on a tread mill. it was fun though a bit disorienting since the screens weren't lined up for my prescription properly.

Dactyl Nightmare? :)

Comment Re:Still using it (Score 1) 155

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this. To be fair, it's been years since I used Eclipse, and it's probably improved out of sight (and/or computers being 1000x faster now compensates for the unwieldyness of Java) but last time I did use Eclipse, it was painfully chuggy.

Comment Re:Companies getting private info is a lie? (Score 2) 140

Forcing people to use their real names online in a publicly accessible way is a terrible idea and will scupper your company. Facebook knows this because Google+ was/is arguably a better product, and was taking off fast, until Google started trying to force real names. Overnight, anyone with any kind of privacy concerns stopped using it and, despite Google still trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to ram Google+ down our throats any way it can, it's not really taking off.

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