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Comment Tip of the iceberg [missing link] (Score 1) 669

There is no missing link.

Its just a line of fosills from A..B...C......H..I...N...V...X..YZ, and whenever there is a fossil discovered to be - say - put in between I and N you have 2 new "gaps".
Which in turn get popularized as "the (new) missing link".

Yes the fossil record is not complete (that would require a unbroken chain from FossilA to FossilZ - an by its nature fossilised stuff is rare (enough) to not be complealty avaliable).

# I'm no expert - and the missing link stuff via media is getting to me - so here is my layman clarification. Also the Letters A-Z have only illustrative purposes here. #

Comment I wonder (Score 2) 144

why no one bothers to hire him. I can imagine that his (hands-on) experience, both form producer and consumer side regarding prosthetics is quite rare and china has to be in great demand of such skills, that is being such a large and industious country.

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