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Comment Re:And? (Score 2) 295

Have you noticed that anything seen as "women's work" is devalued?

Secretaries used to be paid better before it was seen as a "woman's job" - same with teaching. Nursing is seen as "easy" compared to being a doctor, and the pay very definitely reflects that. Programming used to be a ladies job - once dudes started realizing it was important, it was reframed as a dude's thing and the pay went up.

So yeah, perceptions and stereotypes matter.

Comment Re:NO, it is not enough! (Score 2) 96

I'm not saying that "these videos shouldn't be available" - I'm saying that I, personally, don't want to watch these (which is what the thread is about).

I agree that recording the police has been an invaluable tool to wake this country up and expose injustice.

Comment Re:I for one (Score 2) 96

I can want to know about what's happening without needing to watch it.

Hearing "White cop kills yet another unarmed black man" is enough; I don't need to revel in the spectacle of death.

(Totally agree with your second paragraph, though).

Comment Re:Spot Instances? (Score 5, Informative) 59

They do give you 30 seconds of warning: https://cloud.google.com/compu...

Compute Engine performs the following steps to preempt an instance:

Compute Engine sends a preemption notice to the instance in the form of an ACPI G2 Soft Off signal.
If the instance does not stop after 30 seconds, Compute Engine sends an ACPI G3 Mechanical Off signal to the operating system.
Compute Engine transitions the instance to a TERMINATED state.

So if you're able to persist your state in less than 30 seconds, just watch for SIGTERM and you should be golden. Otherwise, checkpoint frequently.

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