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Denver Airport Overrun by Car-Eating Rabbits 278

It turns out the soy-based wire covering on cars built after 2002 is irresistible to rodents. Nobody knows this better than those unlucky enough to park at DIA's Pikes Peak lot. The rabbits surrounding the area have been using the lot as an all-you-can-eat wiring buffet. Looks like it's time to break out The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Winnie-the-Pooh Parodied In Wookie-the-Chew 58

pickens writes "Erik Hayden writes in the Atlantic that children will see endearing portraits of Chewbacca rendered in the style of "Winnie-the-Pooh" in the book of drawings "Wookie the Chew," a tribute to the combined genius of George Lucas, A.A.Milne and E.H.Sheppard, by artist James Hance released on September 1st. Samples from the book are available at Hance's web site. Hance bases his right to parody Winnie-the-Pooh on Fair Use as parody under which certain uses of copyrighted works, which would otherwise be considered infringing, are permissible. Interestingly enough, the rights to the original Winnie-the-Pooh were the subject of an 18-year feud in which Walt Disney corporation fought off a challenge to its ownership of the rights ending in 2009 when a judge in Los Angeles struck out a claim against Disney lodged by the family of Stephen Slesinger, a comic book pioneer who bought the copyright to Pooh in 1930 from the bear's British creator, A.A. Milne. Stories of Pooh's adventures were originally created by Milne in the 1920s, based on a toy bear owned by the author's son, Christopher Robin."

Submission + - Top 10 worst Microsoft products of all time (pcauthority.com.au)

An anonymous reader writes: Every company has its hits and misses. Microsoft, however, seems to have a tendency to miss a lot more often than other companies. Perhaps it's because the company has been so big for so long, or perhaps it's because people are always so eager to point out the faults of the Redmond giant. But no matter what the reason, Microsoft's list of flops is long and legendary. PC Authority has taken a look at some of the worst Microsoft products of all time, including DOS 4, which was released in 1988 and soon became known as one of the all-time worst versions of the operating system. In 1989 Microsoft rolled out the 4.01 update, thus providing an early case for the concept of waiting a year on any Microsoft software update. The story also notes an interesting pattern — the quality of Microsoft's new operating systems seems to jump with every second release.
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - The World's First Open-Source Car

head_dunce writes: "The world's first open source car was was introduced at AutoRAI in Amsterdam. The car's web site will soon allow you to download the entire vehicle's genetic makeup (specifications, technical drawings, etc.) Although this isn't the only open source car project, this one looks like it may have enough of a community behind it to work. — The first thing I'm changing is the user interface, it's ugly..."

Submission + - Google "airbrushes" Katrina history

An anonymous reader writes: Google using pre-Katrina satellite pictures of New Orleans. Not clear when it switched from images with storm damage. House panel calls change an "injustice" to storm's victims. Google says it switched to images with improved detail.

Submission + - 48% of Americans reject Evolution

An anonymous reader writes: There's an interesting if insane survey at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17879317/site/newsweek / — Given a straightforward question if evolution was "well-supported by evidence and widely accepted within the scientific community," 48% of Americans said "no." Furthermore, 34% of college graduates said they accept the Biblical story of creation as fact.

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