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Comment Re:Pretty much completely infeasible. (Score 1) 254

Where do you draw the line, though? For example, would you demand all politicians cash out their 401k's or other stock-holding investment accounts because technically they own a company in those arrangements? "Owning a company" is a litigiously vague statement, and anything less broad could be viewed as discrimination.

Comment Re:Good advice - Always use your ISP for DNS (Score 2) 348

Why use your ISP for DNS? Chances are their servers suck, and they will insert spam links for failed resolutions to add insult to injury for their horrible service. Find a server that is 1) geographically close and 2) measurably performs well. I personally use this tool for locating a DNS server that measurably works well with my connection: .

Comment Re:Photon-specific or driven by temperature? (Score 2) 50

Sunlight naturally allows this thermochemical cycle to occur, assuming that the device is allowed to cool at night. With other heat sources(geothermal, etc), you would need to remove the device to cut off the heat source for the "off" period of the duty cycle. Also, that makes this device less appealing than it might seem, as this "19%" efficiency cited doesn't mean you only get even 19% of the heat power of your source put in as power out, but thats only during the "on" period of the duty cycle. This may allow more flexible, if even a bit less efficient ways of converting heat to energy in "constant heat source" applications produce higher average power output from the same source.
That is probably why these researchers are pushing it for solar power applications, as its strengths(fair decent efficiency for the cost) stand but its [obvious] negatives(cycling) are a built in limitation of all solar power systems.

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 342

.NET apps CAN be shipped as pure IL assemblies but as far as I can tell in the real world this is more rarely done than it could and probably should be. .NET assemblies can be compiled into platform-specific assemblies with some Frankenstein mix of pre-complied code in them, and there are many, many .Net apps built targeted for the x86 platform, and which only world when build in such a fashion.

Comment Re:Common sense says... (Score 1) 417

The facts in this case are unique. The allegations of distress are not related to a right/expectation of privacy. Rather, they are emotional damages related to the fact this person has a psychological disorder, and claims it was aggravated by Google posting this particular picture. I think the legal interpretation of exactly what Google would and would not be liable for in that case is pretty complicated.
For example, walking up behind most people and shouting "boo!" may seem to hardly be considered an offense worth a civil court's attention, but if that person had a heart condition or PTSD, perhaps it could cause objectively demonstrable damages the court could rule on, depending on the laws and customs in the jurisdiction.

Comment Re:Tampering! (Score 1) 262

That's not true at all. By communicating with the Kinect device over USB actively you are using the software within, and therefore bound to a SLA to use such software in the device(at least, as validly as a SLA would apply to any other use of software like the more common screen+keyboard use model).

Comment Re:Progress seems to have stalled (Score 1) 53

Oh, you mean like every other advanced research program in the world? It seems like these days research that takes any significant capital expenses at all is out of the question in the corporate world unless it is directly tied to a product planned to be shipped in the next 5 years or so at most. Even when you see references where it seems like research purely for technology enhancement, nine times out of ten under the curtain it was actually just work tied to a failed product development cycle(and one that probably would have been successful with more preemptive, long term research in that area to back it).

Comment Re:cfdisk /dev/sdb; mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 (Score 3, Informative) 322

Hate to break it to you, but the first thing a Windows boxen will do when it is then plugged into the drive then will be prompt the user to format it, NTFS, sort of making this hardly any real fix, and really just more annoying to the projects spirit as whatever pdf of the Anarchist's Cookbook or whatever "contraband" files these kiddies will be spreading at these dead-drops will be deleted twice.

Comment Re:Excellent (Score 1) 322

This is possibly the one thing you could do both so computationally irresponsible and absurdly dorky that even your obscure *nix machine is going to be royally pwned if you use these frequently.

Comment Re:Stop burning stuff perhaps? (Score 1) 582

Crude oil will still be useful for petrochemicals, regardless of innovation and policy in green energy. And using crude oil as the source for such chemicals can in some instances be more green than alternative processes, assuming they even exist for the desired compounds, and don't require price-raising re-purposing of the food supply for product materials, either. Probably the second best reason to stop burning fossil fuels for energy after environmental concerns is preservation for other useful purposes.

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