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Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 265

Same here. I use my gmail far less than my yahoo account (my Yahoo goes to all sorts of disreputable forums) but I think I see maybe a spam e-mail every week or month on gmail that misses the filter. On Yahoo it is more like a couple a day when I haven't given out my e-mail lately, as bad as ten a day when I do give out my e-mail.

Comment Victim Blaming vs Common Sense (Score 5, Insightful) 622

I live in a fairly good town but still don't leave my doors unlocked, EVER. I still don't expect to get blamed should I forget one day and my car gets stolen.

Just like someone who has their digital media stolen from the cloud is not to blame and the law should back them up. However there are certain things you just do not do even if the law supports the activity. For example parking a Ferrari in a bad part of town with the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition. The law needs to track down that car if it is stolen but the person doing this is still an idiot.

Comment Re:Or, just don't get married. (Score 5, Interesting) 447

My wife and I were together for 7 years and lived together for 6 months before we got married. We had to deal with a lot of things happening before we could even move in together. We got married because we wanted to and being married did not really change anything from the way it was before we got married.

8.5 years later things really haven't changed since before we got married. We still argue at times, sometimes fairly heated. We don't always make up after the arguments but we understand we are two different people who often see things differently but are committed to each other.

I think having a wife that is just like me would be more relaxing but probably a lot less interesting.

Comment Re:Well (Score 3, Insightful) 232

For me on the development side when I give an estimate with no accounting for problems along the way the answer is typically, great, here are your hours. When I get an estimate with a realistic estimate of problems that will pop up along the way I'm told, here is a quarter of what you asked for, see how far this gets you. Typically I tend to get less hassle if I ask for the minimum and then ask for more hours as needed (multiple times) with the reason why I need more hours (ex the same reasons I would have given for those hours up front).

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