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Comment Re:Easy life (Score 1) 208

So long as you dont clog the emergency room bay doors with your fat ass...

It's known the more a doctor performs a procedure, the better the outcome.

So when yourr slender ass pulls into the hospital at 70 with a heart attack, you're welcome.

I think this study should look into whether the saunas are melting fat out of the extremeties' vessels, especially capiillaries. Maybe helps keep vessels clear, lets heart work less hard.

Comment Incompatible with some situations (Score 1) 163

I live in an apartment and a couple of years ago my neighbours bought Guitar Hero or something similar. They played with it for about two days. Then they stopped (and sold the hardware) when the building management gave them an ultimatum over the number of noise complaints they had received.


Comment Spock made me who I am today (Score 4, Interesting) 411

This one hits close to home.

As a child in the late 1960s I was inspired to my present technical life and career by two major influences: Project Apollo and Star Trek. I thought Spock had the coolest job in the universe. He played with techie stuff and figured stuff out. I wanted that sort of job too. And I got it.


Comment Not trying indeed (Score 2) 98

Ok, let's deal with abouy 80% of the dollars scammed out of retirees the past 30 years.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm putting a child block on all your home shopping channels, grampa."

These things specialize in convincing the lonely elderly the hosts are their friends, with peals of joy and friendship when purchases are made. Look! She likes me!

Spend thousands a week, blow thru $20,000 of savings in a month.

To quote a wise opinion on the subject from several years ago, "Kill yourselves."

"That's not very funny!"

"I'm not trying to be funny. Kill yourselves."

Comment Re:Ah, Damnit... (Score 1) 516

Ya, but who says phones want ugly, flat icons either?

Computer icon progression through the years:

1. Crappy line drawings done by a programmer at his desk.
2. Fancy, artsy drawings by a pro
3. 3D rendered pictures
4. 3D rendered animations

And now...

5. Back to simple line drawings some progammer did at his desk in 10 minutes. Download folder icon?


Comment Re: Screw your laws (Score 4, Insightful) 193

Are you really that naive? Give for free, get a "good" name, be made legal, "paper".

With companies like Uber capitalism has really hit rock bottom. No products, no innovation, just a parasitic entity, forcibly trying to become a middle-man in all transactions.

What kind of Bizarro Superman world do you live in? What's happening in Seoul is the exact opposite of capitalism in a free market.

The government is chasing out the new competition at the behest of the sclerotic old, and is actually handing their business model over to connected cronies.

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