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Comment Who's paying the bill for FTC monitoring? (Score 1) 51

Is google paying for time, resources and labor to monitor for the next 20 years, or is this tax dollars at work?

I'd imagine keeping tabs on a company as expansive as google is expensive. I don't know who to be mad at; the government for intervening, or google for being a burden to the taxpayer.

If the FTC thinks google isn't playing nice with privacy, FINE them to cover the costs. If they aren't doing something wrong or worthy of penalty, get out of their business and let them run.

Comment Re:What happened to the constitution? (Score 5, Interesting) 578

Do some highway driving close to the mexico border and you'll see border patrol already at work doing this. I get pulled into a random search frequently. Drug dog comes by without asking. The agent sets of a series of questions to try and make you trip up.
Agent: What citizenship are you? me: US...i didn't cross any border... Agent:Where you going?
me: San Diego
Agent: Where you coming from?
Agent: Where do you live?
me: Phoenix
Agent: Didnt you just come from El Centro?
me: well yeah...passed through it driving here... (ohyou.jpg)
Agent: How long you staying?
me: 3 days
Agent: You have anything in the trunk I should know about?
me: nope
Agent: 3 days and no clothes?
me: its in the trunk
Agent: I thought you said there's nothing in the trunk...(trollface.jpg)

I didn't sign up for this bullshit...Being treated like an ass, as if it is a priviledge to travel within my own fucking home country and prove I'm not some terrorist to everyone with a uniform.

Comment Re:On a related note (Score 4, Interesting) 429

From the article from readwriteweb--
"Senator Lieberman issued a statement saying that Amazon.com has informed his staff that the company has ceased hosting Wikileaks."

First off...go figure Joe Lieberman has anything to do with this. Second, why must Amazon.com report to Joe Lieberman and his staff for any reason? I'm not the type to boycott services for politcal views, but I'm willing to boycott Amazon for associating with such a toolbag.

Comment Re:sexual reproduction (Score 1) 133

I was thinking the exact same thing as I read the article. Genetic diversity should increase a species ability to stick around which makes you think how unusual something like this is still around. There are other lizards that can perform "virgin birth" but even those species still reproduce sexually when permissible.

If cloning is the only way they reproduce, they either must be genetically perfect for their environment or their environment has resisted drastic change.

Comment Re:Wrong images. (Score 1) 155

Well many humans no longer have to look for the prey, so watching a gazelle hopping around probably wouldn't spark aggression in us.

But hey, maybe this is why silly things like cow tipping and cock fighting are still around. Since our food source is domesticated, this may serve as release for our natural tendencies.

Comment Re:file sharing is the hydra of greek legend (Score 2, Interesting) 278

If I spend money making 1000 widgets expecting to sell out completely, that's my decision as the producer/investor. Whether I find customers who want to buy those 1000 widgets is a different story. If I don't sell enough widgets to break even, I lose money on a BAD investment

The customer couldn't care any less what the supply cost is. They only care about the price--and will only buy if that price is within a range they are willing to pay.

If a musician spends money making music, fine. If they fail to sell because they can't find a buyer, they too have made a BAD investment. Bad investors don't deserve reward or compensation. This market is overly saturated with musicians (or should I say...bad investors,)so if you want to make money you better be the best damn musician out there.

Comment Re:Light (Score 2, Insightful) 452

Actually even in Somalia, one of africa's most volatile regions, there is a thriving stock market that is ruining (enriching?) there lives. http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2009/12/a_pirate_stock_exchange.html Oddly enough, Somalia would be a pure Libertarians dreamland. No taxes, no real government to fuss with, and everyone is free to set up any enterprising business.

Bonus points if guns are used to make that business even more profitable.

Comment Re:As a matter of fact, you can (Score 0) 181

Anon delivars. Mod up please! This is doubly true for corporations that are publicly traded. As a company, If the company isn't returning as much profit as possible THAT QUARTER, you aren't fulfilling the obligations to the shareholder.

Shareholder lawsuits for this reason are very common. In fact, there's a class action lawsuit open against Bank of America for acquiring Merrill Lynch. Perfect example to compare to this story.

Comment Re:Water? (Score 1) 191

Circular logic is circular!

Again, why in the world would I (OR ANYONE) trust a company's [business model] to dictate the freedoms of a suspect?

The companies business model doesn't necessarily depend on them demonstrating that level of audit. It depends on its ability to continue convincing their buyers that product will catch criminals. They can prove it can tag criminals, so theres no false info there. What they can't prove is that it can catch ONLY criminals.

Thats fantastic if they can in fact demonstrate their audit process. But are they demonstrating this audit process to the people that matter, like the organization charged with the task of sending criminals to prison? Can they demonstrate the product is infallible? If they can, are they demonstrating this to the right people? Are they being certified on a regular basis?

How about the buyers? Are they being certified to use it correctly? Have they been certified that they bought the product using their real name and identity? Have they been background checked for criminal history?

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