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Comment Re:Two hits in the efficiency chain? (Score 1) 246

By Lenz's Law, the only way that you can get a magnetic field from electric current is to have a current input varying in the time domain (AC).

It's the other way around. The only way you can get electric current from a magnetic field is to have the field input varying in the time domain.

Otherwise how would my MRI magnets produce a magnetic field? (DC current is "stored" on the superconducting coil inside them)

Comment a good missle defense test.... (Score 0, Flamebait) 323

bush should test his ass-clown missle defense shit on the falling satilite. he could feature the footage of the miss in the next star wars movie. then he could go home in his flying car and talk on the space telephone to more enron employees. if BTS was in charge of operation induring freedom, our next target would be comoros. those bastards need to be taken out.

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