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Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 1) 254

You seem good at that Hail Hitler thing, you must've had a lot of practice under Putin.

"Hail Ukraine! Hail Heroes" (sometimes translated as "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!") sounds for Russian-speaking people _exactly_ as "Sieg Hail!" would sound to American citizens. That was a sign and a countersign in the UPA which was allied with Hitler's Germany and committed such crimes as Volyn' Massacre.

I'm not going to discuss Chechnya here, the crimes or lack thereof of Russia does nothing for the Ukrainian situation.

P.S. That's not a Ukrainian military column masquerading as a medical convoy, it's very clearly a Ukrainian military medical convoy, that's why they have green trucks and red crosses, it's kind of exactly what that means.

And also artillery pieces. I guess they only shoot humanitarian aid.

Note the source- do you really think Israel of all countries full of Jews would defend Ukrainian election results if Ukraine actually voted for Nazis?

Lots of Jewish people in Ukraine condemn results of the elections. So?

Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 1) 254

I'm curious, has CNN or BBC or perhaps New York Times shown you this: ? It's a Ukrainian military column masquerading as a medical convoy - a clear violation of Geneva treaties.

Or perhaps told you that teaching Russian is now outlawed in all schools in Slovyansk (with German and English replacing it)? Yeah, surely there is no fascism in Ukraine.

Hail Hit...uhm... Ukraine!

Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 1) 254

Oh, don't flatter yourself. I can read Spanish and Latin American media is neutral. Chinese media is mildly pro-Russian. I don't know about Indian or Arabic media (and frankly I don't even care).

But the narrative of "bold Ukrainian heroes standing against an onrushing Russian invasion" is purely a Western story. How did it happen? Simple. Internal censorship (this video was removed in minutes from the official BBC site: - starting from the 2:00), lack of independent sources and no knowledge of local context.

The usual clustersuck, in other words. That's why US media had no clue at all that once Gadaffi is kicked away, all the country would disintegrate into warring factions.

Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 1) 254

Bwahahah. Yes, that's right, RT is a magical press outlet, the only one in the world that just happens to be right. Well at least we're getting somewhere now, at least we're getting to the point that you are after all mindlessly fed propaganda by RT. You realise that defending RT is a bit like defending Fox News or The Daily Mail right?

Yes, in this case RT is the only English-speaking TV outlet that tells the other side of the story. And it's more compelling than what the Western media parrots. Russian media actually has reporters on the ground and they are working in the midst of the fighting and just in recent weeks, several reporters were wounded or killed.

And even Fox News gets their facts right sometimes. However, other news companies are starting to get a clue:

Comment Where are all the foreign scientists? (Score 2) 226

It used to be that most of the scientists from US universities I met at international physics conferences or summer schools were green card holders or recent immigrants. There were hardly any american born ones. Did that change in the last 20 years or does the show slightly misrepresent that ratio.
I am asking because in his way Sheldon reminds me of some Russian physicists I used to know.

Comment Re:Already commented on this elsewhere (Score 4, Informative) 200

What is "neutron saturation transmutation"?

Nuking it until it glows. First you separate your waste into constituent elements (their oxides, whatever) then you irradiate it with neutrons until most of the medium-level waste transmutes into something with a short enough half-life. You can optimize it a bit by playing with neutron energy to maximize the capture by most problematic isotopes. The size of neutron capture cross-section is not an issue, since you don't need those neutrons to support a chain reaction.

The concept is pretty old, but requires a shitload of neutrons (since you typically need to capture multiple neutrons to transmute a single waste atom). The only practical way to get that much is to use a fast neutron reactor. And even then it's marginal. In future, when we get fusion reactors, fusion neutrons could be used much more economically for that.

Comment Duh (Score 3, Informative) 200

If you have a strong enough neutron flux then you can burn the waste (i.e irradiate it until it transmutes to something with a short-enough half-life). Unfortunately, only fast neutron reactors have neutron balance good enough to allow a significant fraction to be diverted for uses other than supporting the chain reaction.

Comment Re:A modern solution (Score 1) 789

Rebel forces admit the Russians are fighting with them.

RUSSIANS, not RUSSIAN MILITARY. That's the crucial difference. And pardon me, but I don't believe pictures without any other corroboration.

Russia and Ukraine have swapped prisoners, including Russian airborne soldiers captured in Ukraine.

They were not airborne soldiers and they were captured near the border far from the Ukrainian front. So yes, I'd go with 'accidentally lost' theory.

Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 1) 254

Um, are you stupid? of course they would, they're not exactly going to admit to shooting unarmed civilians are they?

They could have blamed Berkut officers who escaped to Crimea. Yet curiously there are no witnesses of actual shooters.

As opposed to the self-admitted war crimes of Putin of using soldiers passed off as civilians in Crimea?

Yet Putin's war crimes happened to be bloodless. There was only one fatality during the Crimea takeover.

So why in that case are you merely parroting RT's line and nothing else?

Maybe because only RT tells about such things? Have you thought about that?

though it doesn't show graphic photos like that, but it didn't of MH17 either so your speculation there is completely false

Oh RLY? Let's see: ( ) No, no graphic images at all. No tearful stories of "imagine what these poor passengers felt after the rocket hit".

Similar tragedies happen in Ukraine every day now, yet a note somewhere on CNN is certainly enough. Even better if it's worded in a way that tries to avoid blaming Ukrainian soldiers.

Ukraine could've quite happily moved forward from it's revolution peacefully but Moscow wouldn't allow that.

And without Western diplomatic support and pressure, there would have been NO revolution at all. Yanukovich would have been voted out by now and everything would have been OK. How about that?

Comment Re:Wait.... what? (Score 1) 254

Look I get it, you're not willing to pay attention that the Berkut in question who did what Yanukovych wanted were the ones who ended up in Eastern Ukraine fighting with the Russians (as documented by journalists).

Actually, no. Even Berkuts say that unknown agents, probably from FSB shot people. There's a very real probability that that was a false-flag operation. We see from the current war crimes committed by the Ukrainian army that Maidan leaders are happy to oblige in such matters.

I doubt I can get through to you because you're the sort of fucked up individual that would support persecution of the Jews in 1939, just as you support persecution of ethnic Ukrainians and Tatars now, the fact you think the West ever supported IS or some Nazi mass murderers is comical

Yet that's what ends up happening. Intentionally or not, in Libya (militia there are doing ethnic cleansings), Syria and Iraq (ISIS), Egypt (more than 300 death sentences for a murder of a policeman) and so on.

Moscow only lets you see what the Kremlin wants you see for a reason right?

I do not watch Russian TV channels. I do not even read official Russian news. All the information I get is from blogs and/or forums. For example, try to read this one: or this blog . You just _might_ notice that people there do not support Kiev (there ARE supporters, but only a 'vocal minority').

Now tell me, has CNN shown these photos: - that's a bus full of civilians (including children) shot and burned by Ukrainian army. I think not. But of course, every photo of Malaysian airplane got plastered all over the news everywhere.

See, you're basing your conclusions not on actual information, but on several axioms: "Moscow is bad", "Ukraine is good", "English-speaking media is honest". In this system, anything that conflicts with your view is simply 'Russian propaganda' and is obviously false.

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