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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 1 accepted (3 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - Alarming Trends for Airline Safety

FelxH writes: "In a review of airline accidents over the last decade, flightglobal finds that the the number of fatalities in 2009 is the highest since 2002 (this is mostly because two accidents this year involved wide-body aircrafts). Moreover, 2001-10 might be the first decade since World War II where global airline accident rates do not show improvement."

Submission + - Are Women Getting More Beautiful? (timesonline.co.uk)

FelxH writes: "From the article:

"For the female half of the population, it may bring a satisfied smile. Scientists have found that evolution is driving women to become ever more beautiful, while men remain as aesthetically unappealing as their caveman ancestors. The researchers have found beautiful women have more children than their plainer counterparts and that a higher proportion of those children are female. Those daughters, once adult, also tend to be attractive and so repeat the pattern."

Issues like subjectivity, changing beauty ideals and advances in medicine (beauty products) come to mind when reading this article ..."

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