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Comment Re:PC? (Score 1) 608

Sure, and that strategy could be to demonstrate how racists are wrong. Over time, as the typical person becomes less racist, the effects of social mobility will gradually erode those economic differences.

The nice thing about that strategy: it doesn't involve pursuing racist policies that undermine your goal.

Comment Re:Inflation (Score 1) 696

Until China, other countries holding our public debt, and individuals holding US debt realize what the US government is doing, says "oh shit we need to sell this debt now and never take on US debt again since they'll just devalue it" making it difficult for the government to borrow money, requiring them to offer extremely high interest rates, causing an even greater percentage of the budget to be debt interest payments, making it even more difficult to get our spending under control without hurting poor people.

At some point, you have to rip off the band-aid and just deal with it. It's better to deal with a problem before it becomes unmanageable.

Comment Re:Doing in a lab is one thing (Score 1) 327

I disagree. If there were some form of ocean property rights (oh noes, capitalism!), BP would be paying money out the ass for years now due to all of the property damage they caused. That risk *should* make something like this more unlikely if only because it would be more costly (and corporations are greedy) for a company to deal with than some piddly fine by the government. They probably would have had the leak plugged by now. I doubt their punishment is increasing by the day at this point. It would be if every barrel of oil leaked eventually caused property damage.

Comment Re:Stimulus package (Score 1) 369

He was probably referring to this, although, its not really relevant anymore: "Under previous German law, children born to foreigners in Germany were not entitled to German citizenship (jus sanguinis): a large population of permanently resident non-citizens developed, with the consequence over time that even the third generation born in Germany remained foreigners. As late as 2004, 36 per cent of Turkish citizens living in Germany did not have German nationality despite being born there.[3] In 2000, legislation was passed which conferred German citizenship on the German-born children of foreigners"

Comment Re:Wrong, it is the capitalism (Score 1) 876

From Wikipedia: "Capitalism is an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are privately owned and controlled rather than commonly, publicly, or state-owned and controlled. Through capitalism, the land, labor, and capital are owned, operated, and traded by private individuals or corporations, and investments, distribution, income, production, pricing and supply of goods, commodities and services are determined by voluntary private decision in a market economy. A distinguishing feature of capitalism is that each person owns his or her own labor and therefore is allowed to sell the use of it to employers. In a "capitalist state", private rights and property relations are protected by the rule of law of a limited regulatory framework." Note that people in China don't seem to fully own their own labor(they are forced to work overtime and are forced to stay in the factory if they break the rules), nor are their rights protected by a "limited regulatory framework."

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