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Comment How old is this? (Score 2, Informative) 488

From the only comment in the article: "Ron said on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 Of course no one responded to your request for comments, this was decided over a year ago http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2008/05/court-smacks-autodesk-affirms-right-to-sell-used-software.ars So much for breaking news."

Comment Re:Cat-6 (Score 1) 635

I was looking into using my phone wire as pull for Cat-5 and wondered about this too. I wasn't able to see about the in wall stuff, but in the attic, they used very few staples, mostly at the point before it heads down the wall. I remember I was able to pull on the one for my room and it seemed to be free in the wall. If he's serious about this, he should at least investigate.

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