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Comment Re:I have one (Score 3, Insightful) 77

Except for little, unimportant things like the BIOS, HDD/SSD firmware, and probably tons of other internal devices. They'd probably be much better off taking an existing laptop and replacing proprietary firmwares than putting out a completely new laptop with terrible value that isn't even free. Their biggest accomplishment isn't the freedom, it's that they managed to make Macs look cheap.

Comment Obligatory "why" post (Score 4, Insightful) 76

Every time some industrial networking vulnerability gets posted, people ask: "why are these connected to the internet to begin with?", so I'll get it out of the way: Why are these connected to the internet again? If you do need some sort of external access to them, it should be through some sort of application-level gateway so that access can be carefully controlled.

Comment Re:Definitely not the least used key (Score 1) 698

They're niche but still used, apart from scroll lock which I really can't seem to think of a use case for. Sometimes you need Pause/Break to stop BIOS output because a lot of BIOSes (especially newfangled UEFI ones) blow past important things faster than your monitor can wake up. SysRq still has a use as the magic SysRq key.

Comment Firmware (Score 2) 359

If I recall correctly, at some point when talking about GPU firmwares, you implied that it is more "free" to have a proprietary firmware burned into a ROM than it is to have a proprietary firmware that can be re-flashed. But having a firmware that can be flashed provides the user with the freedom to flash a truly free firmware, either built from the ground up or reverse-engineered from the original. How is having firmware in a ROM any better from a practical or freedom standpoint?

Comment Re:The three keys on the top-right (Score 1) 698

SysRq is useful for getting Linux systems unstuck with Magic SysRq key combos. Well, that was until most distros decided to lock it down by default (because if someone wanted to mess with a machine that they have physical access to, that's definitely the worst thing they could come up with).

Comment Re:The Microsoft key!!!! I've never used it...ever (Score 5, Informative) 698

On top of opening the start menu, there's tons of Win-letter combinations. Win-R is Run, Win-E is explorer, Win-D shows the desktop, Win-M minimizes all windows. Win-1,2,n launches the 1st, 2nd, nth program pinned to your taskbar. Win-arrows move windows around on the screen and Win-shift-arrows move windows between different monitors. There's plenty of others that I don't remember. It's actually pretty inconvenient to not have a windows key once you're used to it.

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