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Comment Good progress, still needs more work (Score 5, Interesting) 176

While the changes are good, I do not think they go far enough.

Allowing full monitoring from someone two hops away from a suspect still can involve a lot of people. What if a suspect were to call Time Warner, then I was to call the same number later that day? It could potentially be a very large number. Also what qualifies as being a suspect? It may be that there are a half million suspects, and a majority of the earth's population is two hops away.

It also doesn't remove the First Amendment violations on the National Security Letters.

Comment Re:New potential battleground? (Score 2) 118

What kinds of countermeasures are available? You can't intercept a laser, or is there some kind of coating they use? You can't easily dodge with the amount of fuel most satellites have. If there is another full scale war vs a major wold power, I don't think our satellites will last long. Hopefully we have practiced using other sorts of navigation.

Comment Re:Broader implications (Score 1) 71

This is what I came to ask. I imagine any system with a lot of sensors and measurements of success (like the subway uptime) would be the low hanging fruits.
If the idea of self driving cars becomes popular in the next 15 years, you could mitigate a lot of traffic issues with correct planning (assuming a majority of the drivers use it).

Comment Facebook could do more (Score 1) 129

If Facebook really wanted to help reduce global bandwidth and was willing to play hardball, they would just switch their images to webP suddenly, and display a message to update your browser if you cant see them. Microsoft would have to fold if suddenly their browser didn't show images. Not sure if FB is large enough to survive the backlash, but if they are we could see new codecs in IE within the month.

Comment Re:We all hate legacy code (Score 1) 536

That is a really shitty comparison, they cheat and try to make Java look a lot slower than it is.

The Java version they used was 5 years old, asked the system what the total memory and free memory used was during the loop multiple times per iteration (none of the other ones ask in the loop even once), and uses immutable Strings rather than a StringBuilder.

Comment Re:Public Failure (Score 1) 68

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

- Socrates, 469-399 B.C.

Don't worry too much. The children will grow up, and invent some shit that we haven't even thought of yet. Sure they may seem dumb to us now, but a few will learn and lead the rest.

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