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Comment Re:Functional (Score 1) 592

Yes functional languages are very much at odds with many things, that's why their acceptance is limited, despite many obvious advantages, which revolve the fact that's it's extremely difficult to write bugs with them. On the other hands they are well suited to other domains, such as compilers, document processing (XSLT for example), and all sorts of data processing, i.e. in the financial engineering sector.

Their shortcomings are addressed in different ways : introducing state in them and transforming them into hybrid languages, for example. This bastardization process is exemplified by Microsoft's F# project.

On the other hands, languages like Haskell try to deal with state in a clean, more theoretical, by incorporating side effects into the typing system.

Comment Re:Functional (Score 5, Interesting) 592

There are no two things more opposite to each other than OOP and functional programming. Functional programming is about FUNCTIONS, which are those that return a value that is completely determined by their arguments, not depending on, or modifying, any state. OOP is all about calling METHODS, which have values that are determined by both the arguments and the state of the object they're called on, and often are meant to modify that state.

Comment Re:The Text (Score 1) 727

"A Discipline of Programming" is more specifically, about how to write programs that are correct by construction, than it is about how to prove that already written programs are correct.

IMHO what I understand of 30 years of history of the software industry, and my experiences of formal methods and programming language theory in the research world on the one hand, and real-world professional software development on the other hand, validate everything that's in this book.

Comment Not very useful study here's why (Score 1) 398

Systematically buying everything you read new and hardcover is pretty uncommon anyways, except maybe for people who have amounts of disposable income that make the convenience factor the only that counts anyway.

Reading paperback, pocket-book and other discounted editions, buying used books on peer-to-peer marketplaces, borrowing from a library, from a friend, your spouse, of from your parent's bookshelf, all these are not taken into account. If we divide that value of each book that I've read in my life, by the total number of people who've read that particular physical book too, and take the average, we're most definitely in the sub-$1 area, even counting all of the technical and textbook stuff.


Submission + - Is the music industry dying? ( 6

MikeyVB writes: An anecdote in a recent Economist perfectly summed up the problems facing the major music labels. After EMI, the smallest of the Big Four, invited a teen focus group to its London headquarters in 2006, it wanted to give the teens something for their time. The response is worth quoting in full.

At the end of the session the EMI bosses thanked them for their comments and told them to help themselves to a big pile of CDs sitting on a table. But none of the teens took any of the CDs, even though they were free. "That was the moment we realised the game was completely up," says a person who was there.
The full Ars Technica article can be read here

User Journal

Journal Journal: Les PC qui vieillissent bien : suite

Je dois quand même ajouter que mon PC est un peu essoufflé quand PS Elements travaille sur des photos numérisées à 3200 ppp et sauvées en TIFF...

En revanche je confirme que le format "portrait" pour l'écran est aussi mieux adapté pour la retouche d'image, car il permet de comparer deux photos en les mettant l'une au dessus de l'autre, pour peu qu'elles soient en format horizontal.


Journal Journal: Les PC qui vieillissent bien.

Le PC principal de chez moi vient de fêter ses deux ans, comme en témoigne la facture sur laquelle je suis tombée en rangeant des papiers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rando

Brutale reprise de la rando hier soir avec l'ascension de Kings Moutain, 730 mètre d'élévation en quatre kilomètres jusqu'au sommet. On a fait ça à partir de 6 heures du soir, ce qui nous a permis d'assister au coucher du soleil en haut, mais par contre au retour il a fallu retraverser la forêt dans la nuit noire.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Le syndrome de l'Île de Ré & autres considérations sur l'ISF

Lu dans les Echos ou la Tribune, me souviens plus : une personnalité de la droite-de-loin-la-plus-conne-du-monde viens encore de réclamer le "plafonnement" de l'ISF en invoquant les contribuables qui paient plus de cet impôt que leur revenus, ainsi que les discours habituels sur la fuite des capitaux, etc. Ce faisant il a encore probablement contribué à une bonne baisse de popularité de son parti politique et du gouvernement que celui-ci soutient.


Journal Journal: C'est nul : le magazine PHOTO

J'ai commencé de m'intéresser à la photo quand, après la naissance de ma première fille en juin 2004, et après avoir épuisé mon intérêt pour le caméscope, je me suis aperçu que je n'avais pas d'appareil correct pour immortaliser ses premières années. J'en ai profité pour acheter un premier kit de débutant, et j'ai vite voulu m'abonner à une revue traitant du sujet.

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