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Submission + - Your cubicle and you

Jimmy Avalanche writes: "Do you sit in a cubicle? Or an open environment where your colleagues are in line of sight? Is there a lot of commotion in your office, bad air conditioning or other annoyances? I've just recently been moved from an open office where we share desks, to a cublicle where I have privacy, but I can't see or talk (read: make snarky comments and quips) to my colleagues unless I stand up. This of course helps to cut down on the noise level in my office, but we don't talk on phones so that's not a big issue. As well as this, I now cannot easily focus on something distant, after staring at my computer screen for a long time. This has helped me in the past to combat eye strain. On the plus side, I now won't have to worry about my boss misconstruing what appears on my monitor as wasting time, and I can even pick my nose, if I wanted to (I would never do such a thing).

How do you deal with your office environment, and what do you like and dislike about it?"

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