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Comment I'm always amused... (Score 1) 237

Whenever an article even as much as mentions the word "Quebec", the Quebec bashers come out of the woodworks, most of them anonymous cowards. Take a moment to check an article covering any other specific place and you'll note that none of them are so overflowing with baseless attacks and claims, often completely unrelated to the topic.

I don't even understand why that is, which is probably the weirdest part.

Comment Tax Bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 237

As a resident of Quebec, let me laugh at that statement. Help culture? The Liberals don't give a toss about culture, they're just completely fixed on the notion of having a zero-deficit budget by any means necessary. They'll slash health and education funding, they'll add hidden taxes while claiming none are added, they'll do whatever it takes to reach this, because they're considered to be the "economically focused" party. To give context, when a journalist asked them if they could promise that the significant cuts in healthcare funding would not affect services, they straight up said that they can't say that because there might be "obstruction" or "slow uptake" of their new magical plan which makes more with less.

If culture sees a single cent of that tax, I'll be impressed. This is strictly a way of balancing their budget without raising the tax rates, which would've caused furor. This internet tax sailed past all major news organizations as far as I can tell.

Comment Re:Boo, you fad killer! (Score 4, Interesting) 111

People believing they are smarter than billions of years of evolution gives me no assurance that these people have a clue, let alone care about modifying people.

Putting evolution on a pedestal isn't much smarter. It's not some godlike entity which designed humans with a goal in mind, it's a very long, very sinuous process which often gives locally optimal but globally suboptimal results. There is no reason to think that humans, for some reason, can't do better.

Comment Re:Check their work or check the summary? (Score 1) 486

No, what happens is that people will pre-allocate a super large memory buffer (and if their buffer is too small? whoops), or they'll completely forget to do free(), or they'll just copy code from the internet that does it for you.

Incompetence crosses language boundaries, if you think C would make them learn any faster, you're utterly kidding yourself.

Comment Re:Summer cooling? (Score 4, Interesting) 247

The EPA has a page on the very subject, claiming that green roofs not only help with cooling, but also heating, since they act as insulators. They also reduce pollutants in the air and combat the heat island effect present in many large cities. I am not aware of many negatives for them, aside from the maintenance required for the more elaborate ones.

Comment Re:As a bilingual speaker (Score 2) 274

And vice-versa! Being a native French speaker, there are many common English mistakes that I just cannot see myself making, such as their/they're (leur/ils sont). Since the two words have completely different spellings in French, mixing them up is almost impossible, even though I've stopped translating words in my head long ago.

Comment Re:Vice Versa (Score 2) 274

Immersion learning is by far the best way to learn quickly and effectively. It's often used successfully to learn particularly different languages, such as Japanese or one of the many dialects and languages spoken in China. You're better off going there and learning by being forced to speak and think in the language almost 24/7.

Comment What's the saying again? (Score 3, Funny) 389

Oh yes! A fool and his money are soon parted. The guy may not even be wrong, but quite frankly if Apple sells so many watches each year all it tells me is that there's an awful lot of suckers on the watch market. Still, I don't think Apple has the same prestige as Swiss watch brands, and perhaps far more importantly your Swiss watch won't become outdated within a year, with all support for it probably ceasing within five at most.

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