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Comment Re:I have a dream... (Score 1) 366

Naw, I'm not blaming congress for King's copyright. I'm blaming corporations for screwing with the copyright system. That speech should be in the public domain now; it's only not because certain powerful people wanted to make money and had the laws modified to include insane terms. This speech is just collateral damage.

Comment Re:God fearing men... (Score 1) 340

Read it in context. Preferably the whole book.
At this point, Paul has said that when God told us what he wanted from us (by means of the Old Testament Law), mankind as a whole rejected it and did our own thing. Paul's basically addressing exactly what the other poster said - if God can forgive our sin, why don't we just sin more so God can forgive more? He answers that by saying that when God forgives our sin, we are supposed to be different in the future. It would be wrong to take advantage of it.
If this doesn't help, hit me on XMPP at and I can try again.

Comment Re:So (Score 0) 775

Real scientists try to disprove the theory of evolution

That sounds nice in theory, saying that a real scientist would always be challenging accepted thought and looking for the next big breakthrough. And yet somehow, every time someone brings up creationism, they are told in no uncertain terms that all real scientists accept evolution as a true and proven fact and that anyone who questions it is by definition not a scientist. (I'm not making this up, I've been told exactly that numerous times by people who claim to be rational thinkers.) You can't have it both ways.

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