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Comment Remember the comentators? (Score 1) 4

With little models of the LEM and Command Module on their desks? Pointing at things with their pens, as they described technical aspects of docking and landing?

It was quite a different world.

I was 5. We were painting the walls of the Television Room - what we called it then - in Avacado. Shag carpet was coming in next. Neil stepped down the ladder, whil ethe set was swaddled in an old sheet for drips...

Like yesterday, almost.

Comment It is good verbally (Score 1) 4

It establishes a conversational rapport with a group or audience, correctly delivered - and can be used as a framing device to explore what might be a foot note or parenthetical comment, if rendered in text. I can be varied with "I find it interesting..." or "You might also think this interesting:..."

Unless the text is conveying an overall, conversational style, I think usage is dubious and should be employed after consulting the general context.

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
