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Comment Re:One interesting fact no one pointed out yet (Score 1) 1128

Officers generally shoot for the body first, and if the target isn't falling down quickly enough for their tastes they start going for the head. A bigger problem here is how quickly officers go for the lethal option. An even bigger problem than that is the environment in that town made the events that transpired a mess just waiting to happen.

Comment Re:Race (Score 1) 1128

It's all a matter of salience. Simple minded white skinned people see one black skinned person behaving poorly and assume they all behave poorly. Simple minded black skinned people get called out, criticized, or harmed in any way by white skinned people and assume racism. Throw in bad experiences getting robbed, assaulted, pulled over by the police, being treated in a condescending way, and these people grow polarized. When a fracturing issue like Trayvon or Michael Brown comes up, these people are going to see what they want to see, and the drama ensues.

It's also what we're seeing with the whole SJW vs MRA mess, really. People were hurt, people know someone who was hurt, people heard a story about someone who was really hurt, and now they're out to hurt back. So many people in these groups have either been swindled out of their belongings and child custody or they're been abused in one form or another or they've been unfairly judged.

And then the media will fan the flames because that draws the attention they seek.

Comment Re:Has the trend away from blunt force led to this (Score 1) 1128

You're quite correct, the use of flashlights impact weapons had become more and more frowned upon, likely due to an combination of abusive officers and pain compliance techniques making people (the ones watching I mean, but certainly the ones on the receiving end too) feel bad. Unfortunately in moving away from that option, an officer that has to choose between throwing his back out wrestling with someone and reaching for that gun is going to be doing a lot more killing. Plus the thing that just makes this all the worse are the current generation of police that want to play soldier with their counter-terrorism toys.

Comment Re:No link? (Score 1) 250

It kinda exists, but its effect is the opposite of what many believe it to be. Venting in any particular way might be temporarily refreshing, but the next time that stress builds up, the subject is going to want to vent that way again, and in turn action becomes habit. Sometimes, as with any sort of stimulation, a person is going to want bigger fixes each time it comes around.

Comment Re:Respect in anonymity (Score 1) 571

A failed comparison that utterly fails to grasp the original message.

On the internet being black or asian or anything is unknown and irrelevant unless you voluntarily draw attention to it. Outside of formal social media sites, we truly do exist without skin color or nationality or religious bias while online. Now, if you hop on voice chat and you sound fresh off the boat or like you were raised in the ghetto, or heck, even if you have a bit of Southern drawl to your voice, you might get a polarized reaction to such a salient detail about yourself. But there are plenty of people who can write and speak online without giving away anything about their background, and they are judged by the merits of their words and actions.

If you make it a point to make a huge deal out of the fact that you're a particular ethnicity or gender, there are going to be people out there that either dislike you for what you are, or see a great opportunity for getting under your skin about any insecurities you might have. And the two are not as often the same as you might expect.

Comment Abstracting the unstoppable beast (Score 1) 571

The essence and intent of the internet troll cannot be stopped, it will only be abstracted into more subtle and passive aggressive manifestations. Akin to people who develop extremely bizarre fetishes (i.e. the very act of renting an adult movie rather than anything to do with watching the content it contains) restriction will only cause it to take a more vague and flowery form in the direction of innuendo hinting at the intended message. The internet is extremely good at "rooting around damage" as so many here have often said.

As for all this talk about violent threats and actual harassment, aren't there already plenty of laws on the books for that sort of thing?

Comment Re:FBI Doesn't plant evidence (Score 1) 106

and they do a lot of entrapment of people who go along with whatever crime they set up (in most domestic terrorism cases you hear about the FBI is the one selling the arms to the "terrorists").

But at the end of the day, they're generally law enforcement guys interested in arresting people who violate the law, not in pretending innocent people have violated the law.

There is quite a bit of contradiction in those lines, and the former of them is the very reason the grandparent finds the FBI more threatening.

Comment Re:Capitalism is enamored with Fascism (Score 1, Insightful) 191

From the wiki link,

The election of Roosevelt was upsetting for many conservative businessmen of the time, his "campaign promise that the government would provide jobs for all the unemployed had the perverse effect of creating a new wave of unemployment by businessmen frightened by fears of socialism and reckless government spending."

Boy, the more things change the more they stay the same.

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