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Comment Re:never mix science and politics (Score 1) 282

Another dimension to consider what a politician says publicly and what they do privately. The joke about northern and southern racists comes to mind -- a southern racists won't mind a minorities stay near him as long as they don't become uppity; the northern racist won't mind minorities become uppity as long as they don't stay near him.

So, the false choice of people saying things is not enough (though saying the wrong things is of concern) -- there should be some action along the lines too. However, it looks like the red team versus blue team stuff is managed by a team (actually multiple teams) with a lot of green. It may sound like giving up, but societal changes are very tough -- and the problem of climate change is too big and the viable solutions have a lot of impact... It may be something over which there will be a lot of geopolitical problems that will arise.

Comment Re:Zoe Quinn is a self-confessed rapist (Score 1) 1134

"Views on the ethics of infidelity. Which she maintained is inherently wrong even if the person who was cheated on never finds out, because (aside from willfully endangering their partner by way of increased STD risk) if the unfaithful party then has sex with their partner, they are doing so under false pretenses, and therefore without their partner’s consent. That is, sex with a partner who doesn’t know you’ve cheated on them is sex without consent."


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