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Comment Re:Hydroelectricity! (Score 0) 330

but most of the times the hydroelectric turbines are the way only PART of the water goes through because the demand of electricity is rarely at the top of the plant capability, hence, most of the times if you plug a lot of electrical devices, you are just using a little more water in the same plant, which might increase the work for the plant but not in a "sensible enough" way to be measured. "At least thats how happens in Colombia where i Live"

Comment Re:Low profile ones (Score 0) 251

im guessing the throwing away is never gonna get old!!! either way, i think that in the same way that someone that had experience with old less "IDE targeted" environments can do more optimized code, an analog skill can be developed here, the software helps at reducing time but sometimes the human brain can improve the process.

Comment Low profile ones (Score 1) 251

I am not an expert in the field, but because of the prices, i think you are aiming for a "home user" kind, this might work nice and cool for a "HOME USER" :), but i dont think the idea of making money out of it would work if you dont really use a professional tool. either way is good that you get skills that later on you can use if you decide to really go serious

Comment old fashioned way (Score -1) 983

first of all, home user with 20 Tb nowadays is still.... not common so i guess a "standard home user" solution is not gonna be easy to find. I would do the old fashion way with incremental tapes or bluerays, and dividing the information in several clusters in order to handle a different archive for always changing info and old archived data (im sure he doestn access every byte in day to day basis), so the daily backup/sync or whatever is done only in a smaller portion, for instance 2 Tb in a NAS?

Submission + - Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic (ispyce.com)

Anonymous Coward writes: "At the TED 2011 conference this week, Google has been giving extremely rare demos of its self-driving cars. TED attendees have even been allowed to travel inside them, on a closed course. The car is a project of Google, which has been working in secret but in plain view on vehicles that can drive themselves, using artificial-intelligence software that can sense anything near the car and mimic the decisions made by a human driver."

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
