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Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 3, Informative) 1374

Which Militia Act - 1792, 1795, 1862 or 1903? You see, the act of 1903 superseded all the previous acts and established the National Guard as the states' militias. If you are not a member of the National Guard then you aren't in a militia. These militia acts all dealt with the role and rights of states to create and regulate militias versus the role and rights of the Federal government in these matters. Try again.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

You're not quite correct on a couple of points.

The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that each citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

The 2nd amendment qualifies that right with words about a "well regulated militia". Not everyone agrees that individuals have the right to bear arms when they are not acting as participants in a state sanctioned militia. Courts have ruled both ways on this and there is still quite a bit of debate.

If you wish to live in community that heavily regulates firearms, then band together and do so - nothing restricts a locality/city/region from banning the things of their own initiative (see also Chicago, D.C, New York City, etc.) .

It is not true that communities can ban fire arms on their own. That notion has been over turned in court along with all the related local laws. I live in Chicago and the city and state are now grappling with how far they can go to restrict even concealed carry much less the possession of guns. We actually have to post signs if we don't want people to bring fire arms on our property.

Comment Re:We need a US base in the Ukraine (Score 5, Insightful) 623

What was illegal about it? The invasion of Iraq in 1991 was sanctioned by the UN. Hostilities were suspended (not ended) on the condition that Saddam complied with a number of conditions. He violated some of those conditions. His violations included firing on UN sponsored forces - aircraft in the no-fly zone, obstructing weapons inspectors among other thing. So the US invaded. In my view the invasion was unnecessary and a waste of US resources and lives, but it wasn't illegal. The final verdict of the legality/illegality of this invasion was decided in what court? Did said court have jurisdiction?

Comment Re:I've heard that government moves slowly... (Score 3, Insightful) 299

I'm happy to give them a break until they assume the authority to make decisions that depend on understanding technology. Once they do that they have the duty to be knowledgeable and competent. Anyone aspiring to such authority should be preparing and educating themselves.

Comment Re:Sales figures (Score 2, Interesting) 487

And a couple of other suspicious things here. 1) Shipped doesn't mean sold as you say, but it can include give aways like when you buy a Samsung TV and get one of their pads for free. Yeah, if you gave me a Samsung tablet I'd take it. Then I'd give it to a poor relative or kid down the street. Not worth anything to me. Also, the "Other" category out ships all the other Android OEMs including the top 3 Android OEM's combined. Sorry, but its pretty arbitrary to put a crappy knock off for the 3rd world market with a state of the art iPad or equivalent. Finally, Gartner predicted that the iPhone would be a flop in 2007 and again in 2008. Their fantasies about MS products in the mobile market are pretty imaginative too.

Comment Not quite true in either case ... (Score 1) 716

If you are an employee, you don't have to fix bugs or bad walls on your own time. If you're are a subcontractor that may be expected by some. At my company when a contracting company (including a 1099 or individual corp) is on T&M and screws up - terrible design, incompetent programming, etc., we still pay them until we decide to end the relationship. The alternative is fixed price contracting or a form of "piece work", but that puts a big burden on our own incompetent and clueless managers. They'd rather keep paying than be exposed as useless overhead. Building contractors can't get away with that so easily and they have inspectors to assess quality so they can hold their subcontractors accountable for the quality of the work. Software is rarely developed using rigorous engineering methodologies and documentation, especially in business IT.

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