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Comment Re:Or more reasonable policies (Score 1) 881

If a student can pass a class without being in it, then that demonstrates that the kid has the potential to become a smarter individual. If a student is too smart for a class they should be pushed harder to expand their minds. People wonder why America has a lack of Engineers, Scientists, and generally smart people. Its because way too young in their educational career smart kids learn to coast through things. Instead of being challenged they are ignored by teachers to assist those who are falling behind. We need to challenge our brightest the hardest, because we need all the smart and hard working people we can get.

In college I went to a small state run school, the teachers in my major taught in 2 ways. They understood who the people that were there to learn and those who wanted to skate through school because they heard computer scientists made lots of money. Our professors pushed the people who were there for an education and allowed the others to do as they wish and pass with a C/D. I thank goodness every day that I was pushed, it has helped me succeed in my field. This is what good teachers do.

On a personal note, I live in Pittsburgh. It saddens me greatly to hear this. Why even teach, just let kids hang out while their parent are at work, then 8 years later ship them to high school, where they can do more nothing.

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