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Comment Re:My house of cards, taller than your house of ca (Score 1) 103

There's plenty of direct evidence for them.

There is no direct evidence of them. If there were, we wouldn't be having this discussion at all.

We've observed huge (galaxy scale) gobs of something that can't be matter as we know it but has mass.

They have not been observed. They have merely been inferred from the behaviour of things which have been observed. However, there are other possible explanations of those phenomena.

Comment Re:My house of cards, taller than your house of ca (Score 0) 103

It seems to me that whatever particle they theorise, if they try hard enough they can find it sooner or later. That makes me suspect that none of them are actually real, but are just artefacts of the experimental methods, and indicators of some much more fundamental reality - which they are completely failing to see.

Comment Re:The year (Score 1) 172

[......] he still remembers the 20s and 30s quite sharply.

But does he read Slashdot? And, more relevantly, has he got used to the fact that years start with 20 now? The "anonymous reader" obviously hasn't.

I remember the 1960s quite well, but even before the current century started, i was used to years starting with 20.

Comment The year (Score 1) 172

How far do we have to get into the 21st century before you people stop putting "the year" in front of a year? What else could "by 2030" be referring to? It was arguably ok to write that in the first couple of years of the century, when people were still not used to years starting with "20", rather than "19", but it's not ok any more - it's redundant, clunky, and stupid.

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