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Journal Journal: Ella the Cat 3

Ella the Cat died today aged 17.5 or about 86 in cat years, but at least she went quickly in someone's arms of natural causes rather than having to be put to sleep. So I won't be posting here anymore using her account, which, I'm pleased to say, I got to excellent karma without cheating. The website will be going soon, so if you want any Aibo pictures, grab them while you can.

Comment Re:A day without MP3? (Score 1) 204

Hmmm. Broadcast royalties? If things have become that silly, then I'd argue that anyone listening to my music sent over my WEP secured 802.11b link is circumventing the copy protection and violating the DMCA or suchlike. If it doesn't matter legally whether or not copy protection or security works as advertised or is imperfect or is bypassable by trivial means, then the law cuts both ways and I can use the DMCA to argue I'm not broadcasting because I have put in place measures to stop unuthorised reception. Yep, IANAL!

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