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Comment Re:Australia can get it right (Score 1) 145

Sure, but the post you replied to explicitly stated that car registration was state based in Australia. Making it obvious hat they meant by "the US not getting it right" - that the way it seems to be handled in the various jurisdictions in the US isn't as good as the way it is handled in the various jurisidictions in Australia. Whether that is true or not is another matter, but it has nothing to do with federalism and state rights.

Comment Re:No he didn't (Score 1) 217

It isn't batshit panic overreaction mode. You have to re-screen everyone in the screened area - since he could have given something to someone else or dropped something for someone else to pick up. And of course search the screened area for that potential item. He might have snuck a bottle of water through after all!

Simplest way to re-screen everyone is have everyone in the area leave it and then reenter it through the security screening. While you search the area.

Of course the idea is not to let someone simply walk into the secure area and the blame lies with the people who let that happen not the guy who wasn't paying attention - you have to assume there's a complete idiot in any group of people after all.

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