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Comment Typical human response (Score 1) 480

This is the same type of human response which says, "We've observed slightly higher levels of CO2 lately, we've observed slightly higher temperatures lately, humans burn things which create CO2 ... Humans must be destroying the planet!!" The failure of schools to teach critical thinking is what will destroy the planet.

Comment Duh, and duh-er. (Score 2, Insightful) 398

You don't show up for the job interview stoned and wearing a tie dye either. And, "We consider Facebook and MySpace their personal space,' the dean of undergraduate admissions said. 'It would feel somewhat like an invasion of privacy." is just so incredibly stupid. It is a PUBLIC site you morons. If you don't want to be known as a loadie, don't post it. Kids today, (as I sound just like my dad).

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