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Comment The system only works to support it self. (Score 0) 551

Academia is the problem starts. You have to compete with idiots for good grades in classes you dont need to get a certificate that doesn't matter for a job that you wont get. In the IT field any jerk who can take a standardized test can get certified a Microsoft/Cisco expert so now that guy with an IT or Engineering Degree that he spent years studying for and around $100k has to compete for a job with the idiot that took weekend classes at a productivity point. In the Medical field they spend years making you take classes that have nothing to do with medicine or general practice yet if you do not get through organic chemistry and calculus you cant be a doctor. My doctor is an idiot he couldnt solve a calculus problem if his life depended on it. Corporations constantly want to drive the bottom line down so they create a competitive market place for jobs that is almost counter productive to corporate interests. CEO's that do nothing but manage stock price are given million dollar bonuses but engineers that create new technologies are given the axe as soon as they have a budget cut. The bean counters get the bonuses but when things get screwed up they depend on the engineers and doctors to get them out of the jam poor bean counting got us in.

Comment Re:People who write in textbooks... (Score -1, Troll) 247

...are the scum of the earth. I can't stand that! Take separate notes! Respect the text for future users! And they always write stupid crap in'em, too.

Besides, they should've given'em to some real college students, like engineering majors. I'd love to stop carrying a pile 8 inches thick of textbooks around the campus every freakin' day. I mean, that can't be good for your back.

Dude i paid for i,t ill fucking write it in.... if you have the cash to pony up for a book its yours to shit on if you want to... the fact is ur lucky if you get half from the book store so do what you want with it before you get raped trying to sell it the value does not go up if you leave it unmarked.... for those of us who want to save money on used books remember just that we decided to be cheap asses and get something second hand... beggers cant be choosers.

Comment Arent all those apps in the market place? (Score 0) 336

Couldn't the cyanogen package be made without those apps then simply download those apps from the market place later? its pain ni the ass but its still better than the garbage Google sends out on its un modified firmware. If the modding for the Android stops Google will successfully kill its launch into the mobile phone market. People wanted an open alternative to iPhone. I even put of with the incredible amount of glitchyness that comes with the G1 just so I dont have to be locked down to closed platforms like Darwin with Cocoa on the iPhone. If I have to be locked down.. then apple has the better phone. its not like HTC is the only one making money from the sales of the hardware, Google gets paid when they sell the phone whether you use their software or not like when you buy a computer with windows and wipe it to install linux, microshit still gets paid for the license... why cut off the revenue stream by giving the consumers a reason not to purchase in the first place? HTC will still sell phones it will just have Windows Mobile on it instead. Google is only hurting them selves. Besides with Apple kicking the google voice app out the only way google is going to make money from that service is to have a stable foot hold on the marketplace, by cutting off a source of distribution they are in turn shooting them selves in the foot. Again.. Google is only hurting them selves. With t-moblie changing their overage rates recently a lot of customers are eligible to be released from their contract under the condition that t-mobile unilaterally changed the terms of service under US Commercial Codes the original contract is no longer enforceable. So now we have the option to sell our Unlocked G1's for twice what we paid for them by signing a contract and take that money to another service provider like Verizon or AT&T. Simply put if google kills the best of the modders, they kill any future revenue stream from users like me. I still have my unlocked iPhone all i have to do is put the SIM chip back in. Goodbye Google Market Hello Apple App Store. No but seriously leave the modders alone i hate that i have to use itunes for my iPhone but not more than i hate a glitchy G1 that i cant do anything about.

Comment Re:Do we really need GPS to track mileage ? (Score 0) 891

Other inherent problems include that the GPS tracker will be sending data about miles traveled even when your car breaks down and needs to be towed... You want me to pay a per mileage charge on my towed vehical when the car is not even in working condition. And what idiot decided that any money should be spent on GPS devices when there is already an odometer in the car.? and yes i heard "well people can roll back the odometer" yes thats true but people can also "HACK THE GPS DEVICE" its electronic and it sends and receives signals, If there is an input and out put some electrical engineer or hacker will figure out a way. (Apple spent millions developing the iPhone and a 17 year old kid from the east coast hacked it in a few days, How long do you think it would take some one to hack a government project? Come on they cant even keep DoD computers safe from overseas hackers...)

Comment Re:And I'm threatening.. (Score -1, Flamebait) 1142

I have been successful in getting a lot of people switched over to Ubuntu at least but then there are the few that were seduced by the dark side and downloaded the free Wintendo 7 RC... But every one i know so far regrets it and says while its a vast improvement over Vista it still sucks... My room mate is mostly displeased cause once he told me he put windows on his machine and complained about it not working and asked me for help, i punched him in the nuts... he learned his lesson. Microsoft still has no clue as to its own identity. This new BING.com service has a 100 million dollar ad campaign behind it, but windows vista still crashes after paying for an overpriced software license. Everything microsoft is halfassed and never works. My windows phone crashed if i dared to take a phone call and look up a spreadsheet at the same time. My iPhone just works. My windows machines were buggy as hell and costs thousands to keep up to date with new versions and licenses. My linux machines are almost as buggy but it never cost me anything. and please dont tell me you pay for support, have you ever talked to some one at microsoft tech support? you are better off calling a borderline retarded helper monkey to jerk off on your keyboard. THE only thing good i can say about microsoft is that SO FAR their system on netbooks seems to be the best and smoothest running so far. No one else has quite got the task management and memory addressing just right for efficient operation on a netbook.


The us economy is suffering and major us corporations that make up a majority of the worlds economy avoid paying taxes there by placing the entire burden on individual tax payers to support the country. the same country that creates a free market for them to operate freely and profitably. Instead of supporting the economy in which they need to operate they move funds and jobs offshore. And now people wonder why our economy is in the dumps? The country's number 1 defense contractor Haliburton moved to DUBAI to avoid paying us taxes when in fact the majority of US Taxes are being paid to them for services rendered. On top of that Haliburton does not employ US citezens that would be paying into the US economy in the form of income taxes instead they hire people from Pakistan for cheap and violate their rights all in the name of spreading democracy, peace and 'human' rights... 'human' meaning FAT CAT US EXECS. GROW UP AMERICA our politicians sold us out and now they want us to pay for the service after the sale too...

Comment Re:Why not Canadians? REALLY? (Score 1) 248

Just another case of a stupid politician trying to grab headlines... They already do this but for some reason the IT guys at the DHS and the IT guys at the INS cant interface their databases to share info... WAY TOO MANY RETARDS IN CHARGE OF OUR SAFETY! Is this really going to make us safe? REALLY? Out of 1 million immigrants MAYBE one might be considered a threat, and just because they create the database does not mean they will stop the threat before they cause harm. Half the guys involved with Sept 11th were on a 'watch list' what the fuck were they watching them do besides kill life as we know it in the free world. My parents were emigrated to this country to embrace freedom 20 years later people who are coming to th is country to to embrace the ideals of a free society are being told they are being tagged and tracked like livestock because its not as free as we advertised. Just hang a sign on the statue of liberty that says no vacancy... unless you're white or a rich corrupt arab. (All visitors except Canadians? What about Mexicans they share a border with us? Oh thats right they are brown people.) That is as arbitrary as saying any one without blond hair and blue eyes... wait wasn't that hitler's idea? Obviously its a different level of hate but its still hate... and it does not take long on a slippery slope...

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