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Comment Re:Huh, what? (Score 0) 121

You are well aware that IBM was a merger from the three companies Tabulating Machine Company, International Time Recording Company and Computing Scale Company to form the Computing Tabulating Recording Company in the year 1880. They then renamed the company to International Business Machines in 1924. Their core business was building tabulators, time clocks and other specialized machines.

The general purpose computer was not necessarily the most useful tool for business. In the aforementioned 60s and 70s some large companies used them for accounting purposes, but even there their use was limited. For universities and research labs general purpose computers was more useful and here you found them there.

That does not mean that IBM did not have their hands in other specialized applications. You could probably equip you entire company with only IBM products. Only until the late 70s and 80s did the IBM general purpose computers find their way into mainstream business applications.

Comment Re:Actually... (Score 1) 58

The notion that Columbus, "discovered" America is odd at best. The fact that it was already inhabited and he was not even the first European sort of renders the "discovered" point moot. He not even was able to notice that he was not really in India. Sure the travel was sort of epic for the time, but the "Columbus discovered America" meme is sort of nonsense.

Comment Re:Huh, what? (Score 2) 121

The difference between NASA and PARC is that NASA just followed the narrow goal of space exportation and PARC (being XEROX) tried to get the computer into the office. The use of computers for space exploration is does not bare many fruits for normal people. On the other hand almost everybody needs text processing and table calculations, including people that do not work in offices.

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 331

For starters you remove all the accentual gun deaths. The total number of homicides also drops, because killing someone without a gun is significantly harder. The best option that fits in mode of operation of a gun is a knife. But to use a knife you need to get close and personal, that is psychologically and physically more difficult. The reason why martial arts have knife defense is, because it works (to a certain degree), but there is no gun defense (except at gunpoint) because it is useless. The other options such as poisoning would probably not have been done with a gun to start. GP's assertion hold true if you just start to think about it for less than 5 min. Nobody claims that reducing gun ownership will eliminate all homicides, but claiming that the total number will not go down nonsense.

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 331

And that is why I have a weapon bag that contains two sticks, a bokken (wooden sword) and a hanbo (90cm stick). The feature that makes it comply with German law, is that it is tied with a knot and it takes "a while" to open it. I can carry a broom handle openly, but because my special two pieces of wood are "martial arts" weapons, they need to be transported in a closed bag or container. (The reason I don't own a katana, is because I will only do so I am proficient enough to not mutilate myself or others by accident.)

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 1) 786

Men take chances, many jobs require strength and endurance that women don't have.

Right and you are though an burly man?

I practice traditional martial arts and I can tell you, although this is true on statistical level, it definitely is not true on an individual level. In addition, women that are stronger and/or more aggressive than average men are not a freak occurrence, but something along the 30%-40%. I would very much like to see the notion dropped that men are strong/endurant and women are weak/feeble. This is more wrong that it is true. Come by and have your ass handed to you by a woman, if you have the guts.

Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 1) 786

You are right and wrong at the same time. On a statistical scale you will find differences between men and women; actually you will also find that between different races or nations. What creates these I can't really tell you, it may be genetic, it may be socialized, but that is basically besides the point. The important issue to realize is that this does not apply to individuals.

The problem start when you discriminate people because of not what they do. but who they are AND IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT WE ARE SEEING THIS QUITE OFTEN! How come I know more female electrical engineers, than software engineers? Anecdotal evidence would suggest that shops that develop hardware are less chauvinistic places to work for than pure software shops.

If you see women picking up other natural sciences, except computer science, you have a straw-man argument. Physics and electrical engineering the quote is along 30%, but computer science is 10%, care to explain the difference?

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