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Comment Re:About time... (Score 1) 158

You track it down an fix it which still takes less time that writing the whole complex thing yourself from scratch (where you'd have even more bugs to track down). Then you can submit the fix back to them.

That said, if you start seeing more than a few bugs it's probably better to cut your losses and drop that third party framework. I've done that a few times.

Comment Re:Legitimate use for 3D printing (Score 2) 58

The limitations of the existing manufacturing technologies really aren't in the realm of designing new parts or putting them together. It's keeping them together after the thing has been spinning for a couple thousand hours. Computerized CNC is a well advanced, constantly improving technology that works pretty well. You just don't slap a new turbine spindle in an engine and blast down the runway - you have to test it for hundreds of hours before you even put it under the wing.

So 3D 'printing' (which isn't really what this technique is) won't get you out of design and test any faster. It probably won't even help you create a one off part for an older engine - if you have drawings detailed enough to print it, you have drawings detailed enough to mill it.

Next thing you know, we're going to be printing jet engines on the Internet.....

Comment Re:Just y'know... reconnect them spinal nerves (Score 2) 210

If this guy had the technology to repair severed spinal cords, he'd already be a Nobel candidate. It is one of the Holy Grails of neurology / neurosurgery. Think of all the paraplegics and quadriplegics you could rescue using those techniques.

Millions of rats have died trying to get us that information.

Comment Re:Just y'know... reconnect them spinal nerves (Score 1) 210

Sort of depends. They could make the cut high in the brainstem, above where most of the autonomic functions are located. That would technically be *much* harder than the plain ol spinal cord - which, of course, is the hard part as it is. Just connecting the major blood vessels and bones is pretty easy all things considered.

It's just a scam to keep somebody happily screwing around in the lab, mostly torturing rodents.

And we've already discussed how dangerous that can be.

Comment Re:There is one major entity - Apple (Score 1) 114

And Siri only does offline voice recognition and never send sound clips to the Apple for data mining?

"It's not exactly true of all data"

I said that explicitly thinking of Siri. They absolutely send that raw voice data to Siri but in theory the server could only be doing processing, to convert the speech to text and then return you a result.

The question is what is remember from that transaction. Do they use that data to improve further conversions? I would image so. But what I DON'T think Apple does is remember that you personally asked Siri to look for Ice Cream stores at 7pm. All the processing being done on the server though, there's no way to say for sure, except to say that Apple does not benefit from keeping data like that since they don't sell it to anyone or use it themselves .

HealthKit is much more sure - all of the data is from local sensors, locally stored. You don't HAVE to back up anything to iCloud and I'm not even sure it does get backed up there anyway (in fact the more I think about it the more I am pretty sure that does not happen). You can easily monitor, if you wish, what data leaves your device for a while to be sure it's not transmitting anything.

Comment Re:GNUradio? (Score 1) 135

Test equipment is allowed to transmit and receive on those frequencies. If it looks like a radio, it can't. I have a number of cellular testers hanging around here that can act like base stations, mostly because I buy them used as spectrum analyzers and never use the (obsolete) cellular facilities. Government has different rules regarding what it can and can't do in the name of law enforcement, although FCC has been very reluctant to allow them to use cellular jammers.

If you can afford it, something from Ettus would better suit your application.

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