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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 1 accepted (7 total, 14.29% accepted)


Submission + - Quantum computer demonstrated...

Panaflex writes: "The quantum computer has arrived, maybe. Today, D-Wave systems made good and demonstrated the Orion 16 qbit machine at the Computer History Museum. They demoed three problems — Protein matching, a classic seating arrangement problem, and a 9x9 Sodoku puzzle solver — which all demoed nicely. Some of the reaction is cautiosly optimistic and some is downright skeptical. It's still not proven to be a "true" QC — as it's based on a adiabatic design CPU manufactured in niobium and aluminum. D-Wave plans on improving the qbits to 1024 in two years, allowing public testing via the internet, and having it's first sale by mid 2008."

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