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Comment Re:More feminist bullshit (Score 2, Insightful) 728

This is not a problem exclusive to women.
As a man you can also get your life disrupted by death threats, unordered pizzas/taxis/products and doxxing.

It's probably easier to get singled out for it as a women, but if you are subject to it as a man you'll get much less support to cope with it. This is reflected in the offline world too as a MUCH higher suicide rate for men compared to women. Trying to construct this as some purely misgyonistic issue is just reinforcing the gender bias of men as some disposable soldier caste and is likely to aggrevate misgyonistic tendencies overall in society.

If you insist that this is just about females then you're a proponent for gender privlege and not equality.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 488

Investing in intermittent power sources further cuts into their profit and viability. They can't really run their solar panels at night to compensate for all the other ones dumping energy at day.

This is of course true for everoyne else too, which means off-peak energy will grow more expensive or run at loss eventually.

Comment Re:Works particularly well in SA/Victoria (Score 2) 169

Large scale grid storage doesn't exist in a cheap and efficient manner. That's one of the core problems with wind and solar. It's great for shaving off peak demand but after a certain point it will be investments into useless overcapacity(it's also a great way to make renewables competitive with grid prices though as grid inefficiency costs are offloaded to end users)

Comment Re:Skynet Joke (Score 4, Funny) 65

"Do you admit that Oh Please Stop Drilling My Heelbones associates you to the plot to assassinate american diplomats?"
"Tell me more about You Dumb Machine, I've Already Confessed. Is he one of your associates?"
"You've already admitted that I Won't Tell You Anything, if you can tell us more about Beta_testentry_2_remove_this_before_field_testing we won't hurt your family"

Comment Re:Largest Climate march in history (Score 3, Informative) 200

Mass hype was harder back then.

Now you just create a facebook page, fill it will fact-stripped alarmist language with several "Last call! we're all going to burn in this life if nothing is done! Like and share" and get big enviro pick it up and you'll have it disseminated globally soon enough, with several hundreds or thousands of environmentally minded people jetting in form all over the place to participate in your political-religious activist parade.

Comment Re:Not much different than the fire starting laser (Score 3, Informative) 180

It's wavelength dependent. visible light will blind people but for the military combat lasers they probably use wavelengths that the eye is opaque to, meaning no focusing on the retina and damage due to minor scatter and reflections, but will still literally cook the eye if directly exposed.

Also, the military type blinder weapons that was developed in the past to intentionally blind had a kilometer+ range. Blindness at 50 meter or blindness at 2km? Is it really a getting around or unintenional consequences(in the same manner that less-lethal weapons can still be lethal)

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