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Comment Re:No Crossing (Score 1) 263

Consider: g = -GM / ( r^2 - e^2 ) where g is the acceleration, G is the gravity constant, M is the mass of the black hole, r is the distance from the black hole's center, e is the radius of the event horizon. From Wikipedia: "Attempting to make an object near the horizon remain stationary with respect to an observer requires applying a force whose magnitude increases unbounded (becoming infinite) the closer it gets." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_horizon#Interacting_with_an_event_horizon

Comment Dream On (Score 4, Insightful) 397

The internet has always been open. There have been fools that think adding "security" to it will change this. It doesn't. Get real, people. There are only two rules to security on the internet: 1. Never put anything on the net that you can't afford to be viewed by the public. 2. Never put anything solely on the internet that you can afford to lose. Corollary: Never put anything in a cloud that you can't afford to be viewed by the public.

Comment Monogamy Means More Babies (Score 1) 256

It takes a female chimpanzee 4 to 5 years to teach her offspring enough to survive. During that time, she does not come into heat. Humans, on the other hand, can have babies about once a year. A single female could not raise them all on her own without some help. Today, we call that helper a husband and father. Monogamy means more babies.

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