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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 4 accepted (12 total, 33.33% accepted)

Open Source

Submission + - Sanctimonia to Reduce Online Games to Fundamentals (

Kevin Fishburne writes: "Forgive me for posting about my own project, but I could think of no better crowd than /. to seeks words of wisdom from. I'm developing an open source online multiplayer game in GAMBAS that will simulate the basic aspects of life in such a way that more advanced behavior and gameplay could emerge from using them logically. It's of course graphical and optimized for a PS2-style game pad. To keep things simple the available technology is constrained (for now) to the pre-industrialized age.

The current MMO climate has settled around a few titles that remain commercially viable, though they are tightly geared toward producing profit. My game certainly takes monetization into account, but isn't sacrificing its principles to that end. Is there any advice that can be given for a "sandbox" or "emergent" style MMO that could strengthen its entertainment value as well as gameplay that is at least as balanced as that of real life?

I recognize and have researched the successes and failures of games like Ultima Online, Tabula Rasa, World of Warcraft, FarmVille, etc., but haven't drawn any real conclusions other than poor management and misdirected ideals. Any observances of the market response to such titles would be appreciated."

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For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!
