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Comment Re:Don't. (Score 1) 408

Here's some discussion about what "home invasions" are:
Here are some statistics, scary? Not really, quite small numbers:

Here is one that has higher scary numbers but they try to distance themselves from terming the incidents "home invasions". Had a hard time unwinding it (it's a long article and I'm feeling lazy) but one thing that stands out is that in 65% of cases, the offender was known to the victim.

So, I think you could make the case for rare or not rare depending on whose data you latch onto.

Comment Re:Don't. (Score 1) 408

He's not really worried about a violent break in while he's home, I think those are vanishingly rare and probably a result of bad timing/casing. He's worried about his stuff disappearing while he's not home.
Some of the professional cameras would make fantastic projectiles and even close quarters weapons, btw. ;-)

Comment Re:Can't Tell Them Apart (Score 1) 466

TheGratefulNet, the suggestion from Actually... is a good one, I think you didn't notice what it was. He is putting the onus on _you_ to pick out the chunk that stands out for whatever notable characteristic is relevant. Pick that out for them and highlight it, discuss it, prove your ownership and why that makes you the badass they want to hire. I definitely don't want to wade through 13K lines of _your_ c/c++ code to find some damn pearl that I should ask you about. It is _your_ job to put that pearl in front of me.

Comment Re:Ha, hot programming jobs (Score 1) 466

Seriously AC? Do you really think the Repubs feel any differently? Are they lining up to close our borders to products manufactured in countries with lax labor or environmental protections? Are the Repubs really battling against H1Bs? I thought all the people in power from all sides agreed that bringing in foreign labor was good for industry and so must be good for everyone.

Comment Re:Space programs as a crowbar? (Score 3, Insightful) 522

Uh, like other countries like to get bullied?
98 lb guy doesn't like getting bullied? Tough shit, schedule him for a 2:45 wedgie.
275 lb football player doesn't like getting bullied? ok, fine, take him off the schedule.
Same with countries, that's why they all want the nukes, it's the nukes that make all the difference.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 310

Since you are apparently dense, I'll summarize the general consensus of the slashdot: you are a moron. Go slash your own dots and watch more faux news. I'd go on and attempt an argument but it would be pointless as you are clearly not a thoughtful person, so I'll stick to the ad-hominem attack.

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