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Comment Re:Just the kind of places (Score 5, Interesting) 99

Don't be so sure. It seems great at first, but one of the things you might not anticipate is the revenge effect of a low noise noise floor. I moved from a horribly noisy situation to a much quieter one. It's great until you adjust. Then, little sounds that you'd never notice before start becoming a real problem. The thud of a closing car door a few hundred feet away, or the sounds of a second hand on an old fashioned clock, or any number of other things really can become distracting, even to the point of causing anxiety. Unless you're basically in the woods, in which case the sounds of your own house can become like a raging cacophony. White noise becomes a refuge. You wait for the rain.

Comment You are right. (Score 1) 289

My wife worked with some talented therapists and had no doubts there could be enormously beneficial aspects to working with insightful, skilled professionals.

To expect anything from a special education teacher that would be more than minimal classroom management modifications is probably not realistic in all but the very wealthiest (top 1%) schools, which have multiple secondary educational aids and extremely small class sizes. The special education classrooms in most districts are loaded up with kids with other behavioral problems that are likely to further exacerbate the issues someone on the spectrum with experience.

Comment Re:Amazing what the absence of govt really means (Score 1) 148

I don't believe anyone's had any significant loss of funds under the FDIC umbrella. Only a few days separated from your cash as they part out the failed bank.

Right, but under the Federal Reserve, the dollar has lost 97% of its purchasing power. Who gives a shit about the number in the bank account? It's the value.

Comment Tipping the balance (Score 1) 201

This kind of thing, in a small but significant way, starts to tip the social balance further in favor of males who are wealthy enough/risk tolerant enough to take a chance on this kind of thing to dominate against younger males.

On the side of the wealthier males, it could tend to change certain workplace dynamics. Not sure what exactly that would do, but without economic growth, it could lead to slightly more workplace conflict.

On the risk tolerant side, I see a risk of widespread increases in antisocial behavior as young, aggressive males amp-up their natural tendencies. Violence and crime are likely results. Given that we're already past the societal stage where we kill off lower-class males in wars of attrition, we're going to be facing an unprecedented dynamic with larger numbers of aggressive males than society is accustomed to.

Comment Re:Excellent idea (Score 1) 779

From the feeling that jobs are going to be at minimum wage rates, to the fact that there is extremely heavy H-1B competition for every single position, be it an entry level coder on up, to the fact that it is looked down upon [1]... all gets people to look for other professions.

Why is my experience that this is not the case? Why are we seeing extremely low unemployment rates (2.5%) in software engineering? Why are wages for software engineers averaging at about 6 figures, and one of the few careers where wages are not totally stagnant and falling behind inflation? Why do I get the distinct impression that people with more education and less income are somewhat envious (possibly even resentful) of the success I've enjoyed?

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