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Comment Re:ideal for my 2 year old (Score 1) 435

You have hit on an important point. No OS is perfect for all users. I love the idea of a free Google Netbook. I have started my kids using Google Apps. Why, because I do not have to worry about operating systems. I can cheaply build a linux system for them using cheap hardware simply because all I really need is a browser. Combine this with Google Gears for those rare times the Internet is down and you have a very productive system.

This way if my kids want to work at the library, home or school everything is right there.

So as far as a free Google Netbook I'll take one for each member of my family.

Comment A lot of software doesn't need to be included (Score 1) 900

I don't see this as a problem, more like a step in the right direction.
In some ways Ubuntu suffers from some application bloat. I question why Tom Boy Notes, F-Spot, Open Office and a host of others are even included. With the app repository it becomes very simple to get these if you really need them anyway.

In the 3.x days of windows you did not get a Word Processor, internet browser, Office Suite in the base product. You got to choose which one you wanted. It would be great to see Ubuntu move in the direction of choice instead of pushing apps on a user.

Comment Lack of consistency (Score 1) 843

What Word and other WSYWIG Wordprocessors lack is the ability to put your thoughts on paper without having to worry about what it will look like in the end. I use docbook to write technical papers at work. Each one of my papers has the same look when they are formatted. I am able to get my thoughts on paper without having to click 3 dozen menu items. I am not bothered by suggestions made by assistants that pop up. With Word I found myself more worried that a line might be orphaned or that the image is centered correctly. In other words Word and other Word Processors require too much knowledge from the end user.

Comment All of them (Score 1) 634

Start with a simple language to learn the basics (Loops, variables ect.) Then let them explore. If they are truly interested in programming a new programmer will move to what interests them. I started with Basic went through the academics of Pascal. But I truly learned the most when I taught myself Forth and Smalltalk. Anyone interested in programming will find their own way.

Comment Is linux ready for your desktop (Score 1) 1365

The question should not be a general is linux ready for the desktop but we should ask the question "Is Linux ready for your desktop". There is an assumption from Both Windows and Mac that it is possible to force a certain way of working on all users. Linux let's you pick and chose. For me, I do not want to be forced to work a certain way. This makes Linux an ideal fit for me.

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