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Comment Re:He misses one HUGE assumption (Score 1) 482

In medieval times, conquerors used to go around and lay siege to towns. it would take a long time. they would usually salt the fields of the city.

scientists in medieval times (usually advisers to advisers to kings or something) had uncovered a marvelous fact: if conquerors continued to do this at the rate which they had been, the entire earth would be salted within a hundred years.

Comment Re:The sad thing is... (Score 2) 295

Here is the difference:

The GPL implies free-as-in-beer, which is a major point. If there were a story about a copyright violator who downloaded Inception.720p.xvid.GROUPNAME from thepiratebay, burned lots of copies of it to DVD, and then sold each copy on the street, I have no doubt every person on slashdot would see this as a morally reprehensible act (perhaps some would say that "turnabout is fair play" but even these people see it as an ethical wrong.)

Copyright is supposed to keep *that* from happening. Making a profit off of someone else's creativity without permission. That is what most GPL violations are.

Comment Re:we could take back control... (Score 1) 292

I'd just like to point out, in support of the argument against back-scatter Xrays, the dosage of radiation from them for a single scan on a human is around 0.009 mrems. While this is insignificant and will result in roughly 4 cases of cancer per million people, the number of people who will develop cancer from these scans per year outweighs the number of people who were killed in US-centric terrorist attacks in the last decade, including 9/11.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 1486

As a post script:

I would say that most scientists would be willing to accept that they might be wrong, even if you just casually asked them in conversation, rather than forcing death as the alternative.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 1486

I would say that having people be willing to die for their beliefs rather than accept that they are wrong is a *bad* quality, rather than a *good* quality, of a framework for understanding reality.

The ability to revise your beliefs based on new evidence is *exactly* what separates the "culture" of science from the "culture" of religion, even if as you claim they are both founded on faith.

Comment Re:Suspension? Yes. Expulsion? No. (Score 1) 669

The kid who apologized and realized the gravity of a false rape accusation was only suspended. The kid who refused to admit they were wrong was expelled. Seems simple.

The kid who refused to admit they were wrong was the kid who accused his teacher of being "bipolar".

The kids who threw the words "pedophile" and "rapist" around were obviously wrong. This third child, however... the label "bipolar" is much more complicated than the label "pedophile" or the label "racist". Who is to say that they're wrong? It would require a lot more investigation first.

What if a couple years down the road, the teacher gets a psych evaluation for whatever reason and discovers he is bipolar? Is it still libel? Is it still a false accusation?

Comment Re:Yeah, but things are still slower (Score 1) 166


I ran Linux in 2001 and I run Linux today.

Aside from switching from Konqueror to Firefox and from OO.o to LibreOffice, I don't think I have added or subtracted a single piece of software in the interim.

What are you talking about? Maybe Ubuntu is more bloat-ridden than distros a decade ago, but clean do-it-yourself linux distros like Gentoo and Archlinux still come with absolutely no bloat whatsoever, containing nothing except what you checked on a list.

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