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Comment Re:Terrorists, Star Chambers, and immunity (Score 0) 215

Explain how "free will" and "omniscience" can coexist.

Easily: Just because you know how everything will turn out doesn't mean you FORCE things to turn out exactly as you want, down to the smallest detail.

As a matter of fact, it's very EASY to be omniscient and still have people with free will (knowing the future doesn't imply that you can change it); what you're probably having a harder time with is that God is omniscient AND omnipotent. The truth of the matter is God created us with free will, and lets us choose any path and make any choice we want. However, the world was set to turning before Man was created, and God had His plan for things long before you were born. The ultimate plans of the Lord will work out exactly as He wants them to, but that doesn't alleviate your part in said design; you can choose to participate or not, and that choice is up to you entirely.

Comment ISP? (Score 1) 913

Of the things we /do/ rely on society/government for is trash and recycling pickup, roads and bike paths, sewage, and a handful of local shops.

I'm interested in how you're posting, then. How are you generating an internet connection without relying on an outside provider/infrastructure?

We generate our own power, and find most of our non-reusable things (like computers) from trash-bins.

Sounds like you are DEFINITELY "relying" on an outside resource: Other consumers' used goods. I'll be impressed when you take in NO external goods/services whatsoever, and still maintain a healthy, productive, sustainable, multi-generational community. Until then, you're really just playing at the idea, while living off the rest of Society.

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