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Comment Re:xkcd (Score 1) 227

"Would you like to watch me play a video game?"
"That's boring."
"Now you know how I feel about watching someone I don't know play a game on a field."

Wow talk about false equivalence, I guess you don't know that watching eSports is a huge thing and PewDiePie is now YouTube's biggest hit? They just don't want to see a doofus like you play. People are interested in other people who can do exceptional things, whether it's an athlete or playing chess. It's not like that does anything important either.

What I can't understand are the people who get so caught up in "their" team even though they just happen to be born in the same region and these days with buying and selling it's not really a local team anyway it's the mercenaries who're current representing the brand. Next year they can be in a different club representing a different brand, same with the coaches and most everybody else. The only loyalists are the fans.

What's craziest is that if you think of it as an entertainment product they've instilled the attitude that the worse a product they deliver the more important is it that you stand by your team and show you support them. Imagine anyone else saying we're delivering crap and losing to the competition all the time, now's the time to buy our product to help make it better? They'd be committed to a mental asylum. I can understand the appeal of sharing highs and lows with other people and how that can bond fans together with team as a rally flag, but it's still collective insanity.

Comment Re:Problems with the staff (Score 0) 181

Since the TPB crew was sentenced to jail and for damages I'd say it was agreed upon what they did was illegal regardless of what I think of that.

And the downloaders may be in a situation regardless and more so if uploading is part of it.

For you people who divide the two breaches of laws into different categories I don't know where it counts but I also don't really see how it matters as long as you're sentenced.

Comment Re:So what's the real story here? (Score 4, Insightful) 145

Yes there is. I consider the police lazy enough that they'd do it in good faith because aside of the idiots that may come to them to get arrested instead of them having to go out and catch them, they would probably also reduce the number of cases where someone actually gets mugged, robbed or otherwise becomes victim of a crime, which would be yet another reason to leave the box of donuts and go out into the world to interview the victim and do a search of the crime scene.

Even if you don't think there are any cops left that actually want to do what is allegedly their job, there's plenty of reason for them to establish something like that without resorting to paranoid surveillance conspiracies.

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