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Comment Re:High-fat, but no carbs (Score 5, Insightful) 379

1) It's unfortunate that you had to stoop to an ad hominem attack in an otherwise decent rebuttal. It really is.

2) You're basically wrong on virtually every account. There *is* ample evidence that low-carb diets are bad for your brain, heart and kidneys.

3) The Inuits lack of farming couldn't have much to do with the fact that they lived in the freakin Arctic Circle, could it?

"Again, there is ample evidence to show that some people (as in many thousands) have consumed well under 2000 calories a month for decades, in the form of carbohydrates, while doing hard physical work - and wound up grossly obese. Just as others (usually much wealthier) have eaten far more than 2000 calories a day for years, while doing little or no physical work, and remained lean and fit."

Really? Under 2000 calories a day and hard work and gotten obese? Please provide this ample evidence.

My theory, developed after I lost 60 lbs, was that whenever you have two things that are diametrically opposed like low-fat, high carb/low-carb, high fat is that the answer is most frequently in the middle. Moderation in both (including carbs, a necessary source of energy) leads to great results. But, that's just my anecdotal evidence talking.

Comment that was actually... (Score 1) 105

very, very interesting to watch. Thanks to the poster. I agree with a previous replier in that self-discipline isn't the *only* way to determine success, but it's a good one. And this probably is far more of a inborn thing than a learned trait.

I can tell you now I would have eaten the marshmallow, but then again it took till my late 20s to develop any sort of self-control.

Comment Re:I am a UK citizen, but I assumed that .... (Score 1) 490

While my wife and I were looking at emigrating to Ireland I noticed something interesting: they simply don't want us there (this goes for the UK as well). They have program in place to make it highly difficult to hire foreigners before you offer the job to people (anyone, really) that lives in Ireland. Than an EU resident. Than a resident of Fiji. Then criminals currently incarcerated. Then you can offer it to "foreigners". Reading this article really did accentuate to me how lenient we are here with immigration compared to the rest of the world. We might suck mightily at other stuff, but we're pretty open at letting you join us.

Comment Huh? (Score 5, Interesting) 490

Oooookaaaay. It's not like the colleges are saying US students are bad. Instead, they're saying that these international students aren't as hard to hire as one might think and that there are benefits to it.

Just because I tell you that you should eat oranges because they're high in Vitamin C doesn't mean that I don't think eating apples is a good idea.

I'm impressed, though, because I've not seen a summary this reactionary and poorly constructed in a long time.

Comment Re:Oh God Make It Stop (Score 2, Informative) 293

Those were an important platform.

I have to admit that my sarcasmometer was registering at 50/50. I couldn't figure out if you were being facetious or not. This leads me to believe you were, so I'm sorry.

P.S. Why did Chrome's spell-checker accept "sarcasmometer"? Does this exist? Can I get one?

Comment Re:Oh God Make It Stop (Score 1) 293

*This* is why you voted for Obama? I'm not sure this is the kind of change he had in mind... I think he was talking about more the "government as usual" type of change, not "I'll make your every fantasy come true" kind (although, admittedly, he did all but say that during the campaign). Me? I don't want a paperless society. I prefer to pay in cash for things (no, not a check card) and use the credit card only when I have no choice. I use checks to pay for services for the house like appliance repair, contractors, etc. I like it this way and can't see any reason to switch. Heck, I'd make the argument that my way of doing it is *less* prone to fraud than all electronic. You use your check card and leave my cash and checks alone.

Comment Re:No (Score 4, Interesting) 1164

I don't know, man... this is a *seminary* that we're talking about. The people graduating from this program need to be able to defend their beliefs and preach to the "unpreachable". Maybe it's an odd way to go about it, but I can honestly see some benefits in doing this. You have to make a stand and really be able to defend your beliefs, and defend them well because there are some really well versed atheists out there, both in terms of science and theology. This will force you to be equally well-versed in both. As for students "retaining their rights to their own opinions"... these are seminary students. Shouldn't they all desire to convert the fallen, so to speak? My father-in-law is a preacher, and I don't think he's particularly like doing this, but I think he would and not feel as if he were being forced or coerced into it (believe me, this is minor compared to most of the crap that you have to go through to be a full-time preacher... their hiring practices would be illegal anywhere but in a church).

Comment Re:er...uh...okay (Score 5, Insightful) 334

Wow. Not to let me heart bleed all over the place here, but... what? This was a needless death in a camp that didn't need to exist run by instructors who used "punishment" that wasn't appropriate. He had an "internet addiction"... he wasn't a murderer. You don't think this is somehow newsworthy on a site devoted to geeks and geek-related stuff? I just love these "so what people die every day" type posts. So, just to be clear, it's overkill to mourn a school shooting because more people are dying in Darfur, right?

Comment Re:Only one problem... (Score 4, Interesting) 65

That's a cute statement, but while Google's market share is dominant (like 67% maybe), I want to say that Yahoo has about 12% of the market... which is a pretty darn significant amount. Combined with Microsoft's share (which around 9%), you're looking at over 20% of all online ads. No, Google isn't worried, but I think that it's actually a pretty good deal for both sides.

Comment Re:Security (Score 1) 928

Really? Tweakguides? It's a great site, but you're suggesting that I should have to hack my program to make it usable? Why? I used AVG Free for a long time, but switched for a couple of reasons. 1) It doesn't perform very well in av tests (try 2) Unless I had email to respond to, my computer wasn't usable during a virus scan. So, why on Earth would I want a virus scanner that hogs resources while simultaneously not doing its job very well? If it were the ONLY free scanner on the market, fine, but there are better options. Me? I ended up just paying for Eset's NOD32 Anti-Virus.

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