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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 0 accepted (2 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - History of FireFox3's, An End User's perspective (

madhusudancs writes: "I am a long time Free and Open Source Software enthusiast, promoter and what not? And hence a great fan of Mozilla Firefox(a world class browser according to me). I was also interested in Firefox's development from a long time. This had forced me to use the test versions of Firefox 3 from its early days of development. The course of development of Firefox 3 from Alpha 5 up to Release Candidate 1, as I have followed, has inspired me to write a detailed article about my wonderful and unforgettable experiences with its major milestone releases. This article has been completely written in my own perspective as an End User, who has seen the Firefox 3's development more closely. I like to share this thought of mine with all the slashdotters ahead of the release of Firefox 3. Click Here to read the full story"

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