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Comment Re:Patent (Score 1) 93

This is where groklaw would be great. But Algorithms are patentable, without the requisite case ruling it's hard to ascertain why Newegg won this time around, it could be the SCOTUS ruling dealing with it giving the judge more direct clarification in this area. Allowing for windage (lawyers jockeying, filing motions and court dockets) it's conceivable this may be why Newegg won this time around.

Comment Re:unless you need it wait... (Score 1) 149

I think my OP said if wait but some of us however do have to work with Win 10 not only in the Beta stage but also the .0 release, it's not a picnic but that's what things entail sometimes. No software is perfect, no system is perfect, no organism is perfect that's why we have evolution. It's nice to see a somewhat technical post on SD, not the usual "Why does my toe hurt" thread.

Comment Re:unless you need it wait... (Score 1) 149

I don't care who you are, I simply do not trust your fresh release of anything, I do not wish to fix your mistakes, and do not believe over time you'll be awesome at not breaking anything ever. In fact, I think that's impossible to do 100% of the time.

Not now, not ever. Because many many years of doing change management has told me that would be stupid and reckless, and I don't work in places which are willing to do that.

Unfortunately, Microsoft seems to be trying to go down the route of pretty much forcing as many people as possible to get the updates immediately.

Either because they're arrogant morons, or they figure it's just easier if everybody else does their beta testing.

There isn't a software vendor on the planet I would accept a first day release from. And I've seen far too many day 1 mistakes from Microsoft and other vendors to ever change that.

But we've all become accustomed to accepting it. You buy that new cell phone for Christmas, it'll have a .0 release of the next gen of the O/S. It'll have bugs, problems, zero day vulnerabilities and as a consumer you'll be happy to wait 6 months to a year for a fix. You like that new Tesla because it's green, ultra cool and preppy. Is your fire insurance up to date? We do this because we want the glitter and in Win 10's case I'm not really too sure that it's revolutionary vs. Win 7 or Win 8.x. All I know right now is I have to migrate code to support it for a few customers.

There's an old joke I know that sums this up.

A little boy was annoying his mom. She then remembered that next door there was some construction going on and she told her son to go over there and watch the men working but don't get in their way. After about 2 hours she called him in for lunch.

During lunch she asked her son if he'd learned anything by watching. The little boy responded "Yes mommy!" and went to his room and brought back a ball of string. He gave one end of the string to his mother and told her to stand up, which she did.

He then order her to "move a little to the left."
"How move to the right."
"Naw, left a little bit."

He then said "Aww fuck it! nail it right there!"

Sometimes you just have to ship the product.

Comment Re:unless you need it wait... (Score 1) 149

wait, Microsoft doesn't have a lock on this kind of shit. Apple, Google, Samsung name a vendor and they have launch problems and it all stems from the complexity of building large systems or software projects. A regression gets missed or weren't there and now there's a quick shuffle to fix it. The measure we have to use is is how effective they get over time at reducing the defects by day zero but to expect zero defects is a false hope. So to your point, taking a .0 release from any vendor is risky but if you have to have it, you have to have it and learn to deal with the consequences.

Comment Re: The joys of youth (Score 2) 149

I wish it would go back to allowing side by side operation of .NET instead of replacing 4.5.X with 4.6. I have Win 10 isolated in VMs and 4.6 is already breaking quite a few things. Nicks got a good workaround for this particular problem but I still can't believe that something this basic missed QA in MSFT because .NET regression tests would be a basic must have including JIT problems.

Comment Not spongeworthy (Score 1) 119

I can't believe the billions of bits that died in the production and subsequent redistribution of this article. We're all dumber now for reading it.

I shall now drown my sorry in beer to see if I can't placate the inexorable struggle of those brain cells trying to make sense of this diarrhea and those others that are saying "WTF, Why did you read this?!? This is another let me share a bunch of drivel shit article. It's like Show and Tell in Kindergarten, just ignore it!"

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