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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 91 declined, 25 accepted (116 total, 21.55% accepted)


Submission + - in 2014, what beats Twitter?

turkeydance writes: you've seen Facebook beat MySpace and text beat email.
Twitter is next, but what/who wins after the 365 days,
which comprise 2014, are completed?

Submission + - Forget Comets, let's do the Arctic Again 1

turkeydance writes: Space Travel is so boring. and expensive.
right here at home, we have this Arctic Thing (not the movie)
the Chinese got it going on. here's a quote for all y'all:

In 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey released an assessment revealing that the Arctic accounts for about 13 percent of the world’s undiscovered oil, 30 percent of its undiscovered natural gas, and 20 percent of its undiscovered natural gas liquids. In other words, 90 billion barrels of oil, 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 44 billion barrels of natural gas.

here's yer linkie: http://thediplomat.com/2013/11/14/understanding-chinas-arctic-policies/?all=true

bottom line: C'mon man.

Submission + - NASCAR bans digital radios

turkeydance writes: in-car digital radios (communications with spotters/etc.) cannot be monitored as analog can. NASCAR opts-in for transparency, apparently.
Among other changes will be the ban of digital radios –- which are not able to be monitored like their analog versions –-
on the spotter stand. In addition, only one spotter per team, with two analog radios, will be allowed on spotter stands.

Submission + - Blueseed brings offshore outsourcing a little closer (blueseed.co)

turkeydance writes: Blueseed will station a ship 12 nautical miles from the coast of San Francisco, in international waters. The location will allow startup entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world to start or grow their company near Silicon Valley, without the need for a U.S. work visa. The ship will be converted into a coworking and co-living space, and will have high-speed Internet access and daily transportation to the mainland via ferry boat. So far, over 1000 entrepreneurs from 60+ countries expressed interest in living on the ship.

Submission + - Analog TV forever

turkeydance writes: "In March of 2009, I will turn on my analog TV connected to an outside antenna. What signals will I receive? How about other countries? ET? In other words, what's on analog TV? This could be fun."

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