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Comment Re:Maybe the Swiss just know what they want? (Score 0) 245

I couldn't agree with you more. You can't blame microsoft for providing a product that people feel comfortable and familiar with using. Why switch when everything is dandy. IMHO, for the common user, Linux is no replacement. Think of the costs associated with familiarizing the staff with Linux. You can't expect people to just switch and learn on his or her own. Personally, I have been attempting to switch on my own, and I just don't see it happening. I'll stick to my mac mini with 10.5 and win7.

Comment Re:Ask Google/Yahoo/Baidu (Score 0) 383

Well this all depends on how you look at their study. If you take it as "internet viewers" then yes, you are right. There's quite a large number of "internet viewers" who cannot use flash ie G1's, iPhones, ipod touches, Blackberries, smartphones in general. According to there were 32.2 million smartphones sold in 2008. That's quite a number of devices incapable of flash. If you look at their data, they talk about PC's not internet devices; so they may be right. They appear to be misleading in their term "internet viewers"

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